Chapter Six

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This chapter isn't too eventful but please comment!!

Classes went by excruciatingly slow, weeks after my incident with Malfoy. I couldn't stop thinking about what he'd meant by "I never wanted any of this." I couldn't quite put my finger on what he could be talking about but finally came to the conclusion that it had to be related to him disappearing into the Room of Requirement. I'd made it a routine to follow him there which he did once a week. Malfoy had become less interested in his classes and was constantly detached from all those around him. He barely spoke and his usual snide comments subsided; it seemed as though no one noticed but me. It became clear to me that none of his "friends" seemed to care enough to take care of him. Except Pansy.

Pansy was nearly always batting her lashes at him and twirling her hair around her finger to get his attention like a silly little schoolgirl. To be quite honest, it'd started to get on my nerves. After Harry had won the vial of Felix Felices, Professor Slughorn had proceeded to briefly go over how to make a Draught of Living Death correctly since most of us failed terribly. To redeem ourselves he'd helped us halfway and let us do the rest ourselves. I was doing fine, minding my own business when I felt Malfoy's eyes on me. I looked up and his grey eyes made my breath hitch in my throat. He looked away and back at his cauldron, which I proceeded to do as well, feeling my cheeks heat up. Don't be stupid. I put the next ingredient into my cauldron when it started to bubble viciously.
"Profess-" I was pushed out of the way and heard an explosion followed by a loud thud which must've been the cauldron hitting the floor. I was so shocked that I hadn't realized that I'd been gripping something tightly. Malfoy hissed in pain and I let go of his left arm.
"Dammit, Edwards." He rubbed his arm.
"Sorry, I- what happened? I was following the directions perfectly." I looked at Professor Slughorn as he examined the cauldron.
"It's quite alright, dear. I don't know how this could've happened. All of the ingredients at your station are consistent with the potion." I looked around and my eyes met with Pansy's, who was smirking at me. I glared at her and knew it had to be her. She must've gotten jealous or something but Malfoy hadn't done anything with me to make her reasonably jealous.

Draco put his hand on my arm and my eyes trailed from his pale hand to his beautiful grey orbs.
"You alright?" He asked me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Pansy slam her book closed, fuming.
"I'm alright, thanks...but I don't think Pansy is." I motioned towards her with my head and he rolled his eyes.
"Christ. She's obsessed with me." He shook his head and walked back to his station. The bell rang just then and Pansy made it a point to shove me when exiting the classroom. I rolled my eyes and approached Professor Slughorn.
"Is there anything I can do? I'm so sorry, professor." I rubbed the back of my neck apologetically and he smiled at me.
"That's quite alright. What's a potions class without a few explosions and such, hm?"

I excused myself and found Hermione waiting for me outside.
"Delia are you alright?" She asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, and I'm pretty sure Pansy was responsible." She looked taken aback.
"She's horrid. Why would she do that?" I shrugged my shoulders and sat down across from her next to Harry.
"She can't get away with it, Delia. You have to tell Slughorn." Harry looked at me confused and I sighed.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Pansy Parkinson put something into her cauldron and it exploded in class today."
"Bloody hell, Delia. What's got her knickers in a twist?" Ron said with a mouthful of food. Hermione nudged him and I smiled.
"You mean besides Malfoy." Harry sniggered. I felt my stomach drop and I looked down at my hands, disappointed.
"Are they, you know, together?" I asked.
"I'm not sure 'together' is the appropriate word. Let's just say Malfoy isn't going to bed alone most nights. Although, he doesn't seem to be as interested in her as he was last year." Hermione pointed out. I looked to the doors of the Great Hall to see them walking in. Pansy clung to him like the parasite she was and Malfoy seemed to enjoy the attention. Didn't he complain about her only 15 minutes ago?
"Malfoy? Interested in a girl? Please, Hermione. That slick git's only after one thing and we all know that." Ron shoveled more food into his mouth and I glanced over again to see Pansy whispering in Malfoy's ear. He smirked at whatever she was saying and I gulped.

I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment for the rest of the day. And still, I waited for him to show up to the Room of Requirement. There was nothing I wanted more than to find out what was troubling him even after the information I'd received at lunch from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. As expected, Malfoy suspiciously sauntered to the Room of Requirement, disappearing. I need to know. I walked up to where the door had been and closed my eyes, hoping the door would appear. Nothing happened so I walked back and forth pacing, thinking of other options when suddenly the door appeared. I looked around the empty corridor and slipped inside, closing the door behind me silently.

It seemed to be full of random things like furniture, old books and such. After about two minutes of searching for Malfoy, I saw him standing in front of a wardrobe. He was muttering what sounded like a spell but I couldn't be sure. Malfoy winced and clutched at his left forearm. I must've hurt him earlier when I grabbed him so hard. He paced for a while before sitting down on a nearby couch, head in his hands. I heard  a few sobs escape him and I opened my mouth to say something but knew I couldn't because he had no idea I'd followed him. He laid down on the couch staring at the ceiling and I conjured some birds to place a blanket over him. Malfoy looked around confused but smiled at the blanket now covering him. I bit my lip and watched as he closed his eyes, taking the first ounce of sleep he'd probably had in days. I quietly exited the Room of Requirement, happy to see Malfoy finally get some peace of mind even if it would be short lived.

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