Chapter Fifty-One

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Hi guys! Sorry for the late update! There will only be about 2-3 chapters left to go for this story just so everyone is aware. Thank you as always for all your kind words and support (: Enjoy!!


"Tell Professor McGonagall that Remus and I will handle this side of the castle." Kingsley Shacklebolt said, his eyes scanning the protective barrier placed around the school. The Dark Lord's numbers were large and small flecks of pale blue lights exploded on the dome placed by various staff and Order members on the grounds.
"Yes, sir." Dean Thomas acknowledged, looking slightly worried at the number of explosions on our side.
"On second thought, tell McGonagall we might need one or two more wands at this side." Dean nodded and headed off, Lupin in front of me.
"It is the quality of one's convictions that determine success not the number of followers." Lupin had always had a way with words. He was intelligent no doubt but he always knew what to say, even in the worst situations.
"Who said that?" I crossed my arms as Kingsley looked at Lupin inquisitively.
"Not bad there, Moony." He turned around with his hands in his pockets, taking a few steps towards me before looking me in the eyes.
"Now, you'll need to be very careful. You cannot be as exposed as the rest of us and I most certainly don't want you to be waving your wand in the midst of a battle. Understood?"
"Yes, but-"
"Understood? This is not like charms class, my dear. You won't get to start over or try again. It'll be your lives at stake."
"I'm not going to just stand by either. I'll be careful but I won't hide away somewhere while everyone is out there risking their lives." Lupin pressed his lips together in a hard line, looking down at the floor. I knew this would be tricky. I mean, I know it's not exactly the greatest to be here and be pregnant but I could help in other ways if not in battle. There would be lots of injuries and casualties to take care of. I couldn't leave people's bodies laying around like garbage on the grounds of Hogwarts.
"Just please be careful. I mean it. Dora and I will keep an eye out for you." I nodded and turned to walk away to meet Neville at the bridge on the other side of the castle but stopped short.
"Thank you. For everything." His eyes misted slightly and the scars moved as his face displayed a smile.
"I'll see you shortly." I descended the winding staircase and made my way through the crowded corridors, bumping into a few people in the process. The castle was in chaos especially with the younger students scrambling to find safety. I would not want to be a first, second or third year right now. I still hadn't seen Draco anywhere and I could only assume he was on the other side with his father attacking the castle's enchantments to protect those inside. Perhaps he would make a stand later but it was far-fetched. He was loyal to his family but I had to let myself think he would do the right thing for my own sanity.

By the time I had nearly reached where Neville had told me to meet, the protective barrier around us had fallen. Pieces of orange and red rimmed film flitted to the floor, signaling that the Death Eaters had gained access to the castle. My heart thudded as I watched the crowd of them in front of Neville a yard away take a few steps forward before charging full force towards us. Neville bolted down the bridge, waving his wand behind him to deflect several spells flying at him and to set off the explosives to destroy the bridge. From the looks of it, he wouldn't reach us safely as the bridge crumbled closely behind him. I gasped in horror as the wood fell below his feet, Neville's figure disappearing from view. I ran over to where Seamus, the Parvati sisters, Cho and Ginny stood, my lips parted in shock.
"Neville!" Ginny shouted, stepping forwards. Sounds of someone scrambling and grunting could be heard as a wand clattered in front of us where the bridge cut off. Neville's face was strained as he tried to lift himself up.
"That went well." He struggled to get a good grip and Seamus went to his aid, both huffing as they stood up. Neville was hunched over catching his breath and I took some steps towards him.
"You alright?" I asked, his eyes meeting mine as he gave me a thumbs up.
"We should go help. They're already inside the castle most likely so let's get a move on." Seamus said, cocking his head for us to follow. I made brief eye contact with Ginny but looked away, focusing on Neville instead. As soon as we were in a more exposed part of the castle, spells were blitzing all around us. Various students in our year in different houses were battling one or two of the Dark Lord's followers in groups. A killing curse whizzed past me, my wand gripped tightly in my hand. I noticed a pair of Hufflepuffs struggling immensely to block the curses of a Death Eater I'd never seen before.
"Stupefy!" I pointed my wand at him sending him flying back into another Death Eater. The two girls looked around before their eyes landed on me, gratitude in their eyes.
"You can't just do that, Delia! You have to be careful." Ginny blurted out in concern, making me lift an eyebrow and turn on my heels to face her.
"I don't need to be scolded. Especially by you." I stated, pushing past her as my peers continued to run around. Walking up some steps, I caught sight of Harry.
"Harry!" I shouted, thankful he was still in one piece.
"What are you doing? It's too dangerous here."
"Blimey, Harry. I just got here." I said, Neville and Ginny joining us.
"Ginny! Neville! Are you alright?" Harry asked, eyeing them carefully for wounds.
"Never better! I feel like I could spit fire! You haven't seen Luna have you?" Neville asked quickly, shifting in his stance.
"I'm mad for her. I think it's about time I told her since we'll probably both be dead by dawn!" Neville headed off as the last part of his sentence faded away. Ginny and Harry looked at each other with flickers of fear in both their eyes. Harry put his hands on her waist and she pulled him into a kiss, both hands on his face.
"I know." She said softly, Harry taking a step down.
"Keep each other safe." He said, eyes moving between us before he descended the staircase away from us. I looked around, taking the scene in as a few students were on the floor, some clutching their bodies while others attempted to help those who'd been injured more seriously. A Ravenclaw boy clutched at his nose groaning in pain to my left and I squatted down.
"Broken, is it?" I asked and he nodded, blood dripping from the hand cupping his nose.
"Can you fix it?"
"What's your name?" I asked, holding up my wand slightly as he moved his hand away.
"Sam Worthi-" His nose snapped back in place and he groaned loudly, blinking a few tears away.
"Tergeo." The blood quickly vanished, revealing his nose that held a slight pink where it was once broken.
"Thank you." I nodded and helped him get up, scanning the room for other people I could possibly help.
"Delia." Ginny put her hand on my arm softly and I looked at it before my eyes scanned her face.
"What is it? If it's another one of your half-assed, weak attempts at an apology, don't bother." I ducked and moved towards the side in a feeble attempt to get out of harm's way.
"I deserve that. I really am sorry. I shouldn't have been so judgmental. I mean, I'm dating my brother's best friend. I'm not one to talk. If you love him that's okay."
"You're right. You don't know him like I do and you have no right to-"
"I know. I'm sorry. Really." I nodded and felt a slight bit more at ease.
"Okay." A small smile tugged at my lips and she grinned, white teeth shining. We walked down the stairs and helped those we could with our limited knowledge on healing spells, finally making our way out towards the courtyard. We were a few feet from the opening to the courtyard when I saw it. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of a familiar shade of pink hair, my smile fading. I watched as Tonks struggled to keep her footing, dueling a scraggly haired man in black robes. Pointing my wand at him, I got closer to her attacker.
"Expelliarmus!" He was barely able to deflect my spell and he narrowed his eyes at me, black eyes filled with anger. Tonks gasped but kept her wand in front of her, ready to defend herself. Clearly skilled at nonverbal magic, he sent a curse towards me that made me stumble back a few steps, Tonks sending more than a few defensive spells at him in retaliation. From the looks of it, he was having a slightly hard time taking on the both of us mostly since Tonks was gifted with dueling.
"Incarcerous!" Ropes wrapped around his body tightly, making him collapse on the floor almost immediately. I looked at Tonks who had a proud smile on her face, making my heart full. She opened her mouth to say something as a flash of green flickered in her eyes, her eyes slowly closing as her body fell limp onto the floor. My head whipped around to see the wild, untameable black curls of someone who never failed to take the things I loved most from me. Bellatrix Lestrange. I charged over to where she stood several feet away but Ginny held me back.
"Delia, don't. You can't."
"You killed her! You killed her! Let me go!" I screamed, a smile of yellow teeth on Bellatrix's face.
"Delia, no. Your baby. Remember, this is what she wants. Don't let her win." I felt my cheeks soaking wet with tears as I put my hands on my head sobbing uncontrollably. She had taken too many people from me. Anyone remotely close to a parent, she had taken. Granted, I still had Lupin assuming he was still alive but Tonks had a baby at home. Teddy would be without a mother. And I would be without someone even relatively close to a mother.
"We have to move her. Please." I choked out, pleading with Ginny. She nodded and placed a spell to lift Tonks' thin body from the ground. She levitated above the ground and I gulped, trying to hold back sobs as we navigated our way into an empty part of the castle. Setting Tonks down gently on the ground, I clutched her close to me, my tears falling on her dirty face.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I cried softly, a lump in my throat as Ginny squatted next to me. Ginny stood up suddenly and I looked up to see two people stopped in their tracks. I sniffled as a few tears slipped down to my chin.
"Delia?" His angelic voice that I'd been yearning to hear for weeks called. Draco's dark grey eyes were filled with empathy and sadness, and part of me was glad to see him feel bad after all that had happened between us lately. I looked away and back to the face of my fallen caretaker and protector, a peaceful expression on her face that seemed out of place in the current climate.
"If you care in the slightest, you won't walk away. What's it going to be?" Ginny said cooly, crossing her arms as I looked up at him again. Conflict was clear in his eyes and I couldn't and didn't want to try to understand anymore. I was far too exhausted. Far too gone.

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