Chapter Nineteen

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Hey guys! Enjoy and please comment! This is kind of a filler chapter but next chapter will be full of excitement I promise.

I woke up with Ella curled by my side, stomach grumbling. I sat up, scowling and looked at the clock next to my bed. I slipped on my shoes and made my way to the infirmary. Harry hurt Draco. He hurt him. Tears welled in my eyes but I didn't want to cause any attention to myself. The infirmary's windows let what was left of the sun's rays in as the sun set. Draco was laid in a bed, a ray of sunlight touching his cheek. He turned his head my way and smiled when he saw me. I couldn't contain my emotions as I quickly rushed to his side, kissing him hard on the mouth. I rest my forehead against his, sitting in the chair adjacent to the bed.
"Don't worry about me, Dee." He took my hand in his and as his eyes scanned my body, he frowned.
"Is-Is that mine?" Draco asked gesturing at my blood stained shirt and I nodded.
"Do you remember anything?"
"Potter. He's going to pay for this." I caressed his face, pushing back a strand of white blonde hair that hung messily over his eye.
"I know he didn't mean to and as much as I'd like to strangle him for what he did to you, he's family."
"How can you defend him? I'm in the fucking hospital because of that twat!" He raised his voice and I took a deep breath.
"What were you arguing about? I saw him leave the Great Hall in a rush." Draco shifted in his position and looked away from me.
"Katie Bell. He said I hexed her." he said through his teeth. I knew he was angry but Harry wouldn't do something like that for no reason.
"Well....did you?" I bit my lip and he gave me a small nod.
"Why? What's this all about, Draco? You're better than that. Maybe if you just let me help you-"
"No! This is my burden and task to bear." He snarled, snatching his hand away from me.
"I just want to help you, Draco."
"I don't need your help, Edwards." Draco's eyes were angry and I opened my mouth to say something when someone barged in.
"DRACO!!! I've been so worried." Pansy pushed me out of the way, knocking me to the floor. I clenched my fists in anger and Draco looked at me remorsefully.
"Get out of here, mudblood. You may have helped my little bon bon but your services are no longer required." Pansy hissed, tossing her hair over her shoulder.
"I was just making sure he was alright, you fucking parasite." I stepped closer to her and she shot up, getting in my face. Her dark eyebrows narrowed and her nostrils flared.
"It's time you learned your place, mudblood. That is, in the sewage with the rest of your kind." I pressed my wand at the base of her throat and her eyes widened in fear.
"You'd know plenty about the sewage system, wouldn't you Pansy? Considering your marks in potions." I smiled sickeningly sweet at her and walked away.
"You're a stupid bitch, Edwards! Threatening me in front of him to make yourself feel better, are you?" I spun around and pointed my wand at her, followed by my already conjured birds.
"Oppugno!" The birds headed straight in her direction, two even pecked at her to my delight. She let out a scream and I smirked as the birds cleared, revealing a disheveled Pansy. I needed to thank Hermione for practicing that with me.
"For the record, I don't need to do anything to make myself feel better because of a silly girl like you. Your atrocious self makes me feel incredibly satisfied in who I am." I walked away towards the Common Room, running into Harry and Ron on the way there. Harry had a pained expression on his face as soon as his eyes met mine and I looked away.
"I didn't mean to, Delia. If I'd known what that spell did, I wouldn't have used it." Harry pleaded with me.
"You shouldn't have used it in the fucking first place if you didn't know what it did, Harry. Anyone who's not an idiot could see that." Ron stepped in between us.
"Alright enough, both of you. He got to get rid of that book, he knows it. He apologized and I'm sorry mate, you can't expect her to be happy after seeing something like that." I lifted an eyebrow and a silence passed between all of us.
"Why do you even care so much about what happened to that bloke anyways, Delia?" Ron asked. I gulped but kept my emotions in check.
"You may hate him but he's a person. No matter what he did." Harry stepped closer to me, clearly interested,
"You talked to him? Did he admit to it?" I rolled my eyes and sighed,
"No, Harry. It wasn't a long conversation." Harry looked down at the floor and stared for awhile before looking at me again.
"I'm sorry, I really am." I gave him a small smile and hugged him tightly. We walked back to the common room.
The next day passed slowly, my mind preoccupied with Draco. I hope he's not in too much pain. I made my mind up to sneak him out of the infirmary late tonight and go to either the Room of Requirement or the astronomy tower. The astronomy tower is closer. I can sneak him back in easier. I sat with Hermione and Ron, waiting for Harry to dispose of the book with Ginny.
"I never thanked you for helping me with that charms spell, Mione. It came in handy." I put my arms behind my head smirking at the image of Pansy in my head.
"What did you do?" She looked at me worriedly and Ron chuckled.
"Let's just say Pansy won't be looking at birds the same way again." Ron's laugh echoed in the room, causing people passing by to look at him. His face flushed and Hermione sighed.
"Well, she IS quite a horrible girl. What did she give you a hard time for?"
"The only thing she obsesses over. Draco Malfoy."
"Honestly, Delia she's pathetic. I don't get how she still thinks that bloke wants her for anything else other than shagging."
"I heard he's leaving her." Hermione gasped at me.
"What? I can't believe it."
"Seems he's found someone he cares about."
"Or he found someone else to snog." Ron said, causing my stomach to twist into a knot.
"I'm going to see what's taking them so long." Ron left and I nodded. Draco cared about me. I mean, he had to...Right? He'd been with me for months now but, he's been with Pansy for years on and off. He's leading her on and what's to stop him from doing the same to me? I shook my head and put my face in my hands. Ron and Harry came in a few minutes later, Harry pulling out the vial of Felix Felicis. He sat down and brought it to his lips.
"Well? How do you feel?" Hermione asked and we all looked expectantly at him.
"Excellent. Really excellent." Harry smiled enthusiastically and stood up. We stood up as well and Hermione spoke again.
"Now remember, Slughorn usually eats early, takes a short walk, then returns to his office."
"Right. I'm going down to Hagrid's."
"What-no Harry we've got a plan. You've got to see Slughorn."
"I know but I've got a really good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel like it's the place to be tonight? D'you know what I mean?" Hermione, Ron and I looked at each other in confusion.
"No." We said.
"Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Or at least, Felix does." Harry walked away and I shook my head, sitting down.
"He better not waste it. This could be his only chance at Slughorn's memory." I said.
"He always gets things done, however he does it." Hermione said, reaching for her book. To pass the time, I studied for my defense Against the Dark Arts exam that was two days away. I had to see Draco tonight and let him know how I felt about him, me, Pansy....everything.

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