Chapter Two

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I was woken up by what felt like tiny paws on my stomach. I opened my eyes to see a cat sniffing my face and I smiled. The cat rubbed itself against me, purring. After petting it for a short while, a girl with curly brown hair came into the room.
"Crookshanks! Get off! Sorry, did she wake you?" The girl apologized as the cat left the room.
"It's alright, she's quite the charmer. I'm Delia." I extended my hand out to which she shook with a smile.
"Hermione Granger. Mrs. Weasley sent me to fetch you for supper. Come meet everyone." I got up and slipped on my white converse, running a hand through my hair to somewhat tame my long red locks.

Upon entering the room, I saw a long table filled with people I didn't know. I saw a boy who I assumed was Harry because of his glasses and dark hair. He smiled at me and approached me, enveloping me into a hug.
"It's nice to see you. I saved you a seat next to me and Ron." He led me to the table and I sat next to a boy with hair redder than mine. I quickly noticed the similarities between several of those seated at the table and knew they had to be related. A sort of shepard's pie was served and I engaged with those seated around me. Someone was hitting their glass with their silverware to propose a toast I assumed, so I looked over. Lupin stood up and I bit my lip.
"A toast...for Delia. I hope you find yourself at home and know that you're surrounded by friends. Good luck with your first year at Hogwarts." Glasses clinked together and I took the liberty to express my gratitude.
"Thank you for all your hospitality. I really appreciate you going out of your way to feed me and get me settled." I said. Lupin and Tonks met my eyes with a thankful look and I knew I was home.

After dinner, everyone headed to their respective rooms but I noticed a red haired woman cleaning up after everyone in the kitchen. She must've cooked the dinner.
"Um excuse me, Mrs. Weasley? Did you cook supper?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.
"Oh yes dear. I hope it tasted alright." She said slightly nervously.
"It was incredible and believe me when I say it was delicious. Thank you for cooking for the lot of us." I said. She smiled up at me and squeezed my hand.
"Always happy to hear that, dear. Whatever you need, you're always welcome to just ask." I nodded and walked away as she set a spell to wash the dishes.

I walked upstairs to find everyone in Ron and Harry's room. I sat down next to Hermione and she turned to me.
"You're coming with us to Diagon Alley tomorrow right?" She asked.
"I think so, to get my books and things like that." I looked around the group, from the twins, to Ginny, Ron, Harry and felt a little better about going to Hogwarts.
"A lot of people will be there tomorrow, just be careful not to run into Malfoy." George said.
"Who's that?" I asked. Harry scoffed and I furrowed my brows.
"Just stay away from that foul git, okay Delia? He's bad news." Harry said.
"Yeah, if you see platinum blonde hair, turn the other way. Nothing's worse than interacting with that bloke." Fred chuckled and I nodded.
The next day we got all of our required texts for the year and Harry seemed to be interested in Potions from my observations. We'd headed into the twins' shop and looked at all their products. Ginny and Hermione spent a great deal of time looking at love potions but walked away soon after the twins started asking Ginny questions about Dean Thomas. It was just about the only shop that appeared open. Harry had told me that the now dreary Diagon Alley used to be full of life before the Death Eaters came through.

I was just walking out of Flourish and Blotts with my Advanced Potion Making book when I crashed into someone. I'd been crossing the book off my list as it was the last thing I needed which rendered me unconscious of where I was walking. I looked up to see hateful grey eyes looking down at me and I bit my lip.
"S-sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologized.
"Obviously you weren't, Weasley." He spat venomously. I looked up at him confused.
"I'm not a Weasley, I'm-"
"I don't care." He scoffed and started walking away when I turned to look at him in anger. I knew my hair was turning a bright red when I yelled at him.
"Someone ought to teach you some manners, Malfoy." I snarled, glaring at him. He looked at me with disgust and I grit my teeth.
"How dare you talk to me like that, you stupid little freak." He was inches away from my face, still towering over me.
"How dare I? How dare YOU! You don't talk to people the way you do, and at this rate I can't think of a single person who could stand to be around you for more than two minutes." He grabbed my arm in anger and squeezed tightly.
"You're one to talk, freak. You can't even control your emotions. What makes you think anyone could be friends with someone as despicable as-"
"Get away from her, Malfoy." Harry stepped up next to me and Malfoy let go.
"Of course. Only someone equally pathetic could be friends with her, Potter." He smirked.
"Mind your own business, Malfoy. Let's go, Delia." Harry tugged me away and I turned to look over my shoulder at Malfoy storming off.

"I'm sorry Harry I didn't mean to provoke him or anything, I just-"
"Are you kidding me? That was brilliant." He chuckled and I let out a breath of relief.
"You heard what I said to him?"
"All of it. I didn't want to get involved right away in case you could resolve it but when that idiot started calling you names, I had to." I smiled thankfully.
"I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come when you did. He's got a firm grip." I touched my arm where Malfoy's hand had been and a shiver went up my spine.
"Next time he touches you or talks to you in that vile manner, just threaten to turn him into a ferret again."
"Should I know what that means?"
"Cmon, I'll tell you at the house."

For the rest of the night, I couldn't get those piercing grey eyes out of my head. What I couldn't understand, was why they were so hateful. What had happened to him to make him like that? Whatever, all I knew was that I needed to stay away from Draco Malfoy.

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