Chapter Fifty-Two

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Sorry for the insane delay! I know I said this may be the last one but I decided to give you one more chapter after this! Enjoy and COMMENT! Thank you for all your awesome words of encouragement!

His eyes darted back and forth between Ginny and I, Blaise standing behind him trying to figure out what was going on. Draco squat in front of me and I sniffled, his face somber as my chest heaved. I was struggling to catch my breath and my sobs blocked me from doing so. He tucked my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheekbone with his thumb.
"Sh-she was in trouble and I-I w-was trying to help b-but she got her. Sh-she always does." I sobbed, still not able to catch my breath.
"Delia, who?"
"Y-Your aunt. She takes e-everything from me." I clutched at the sleeve of Tonks' jacket, the warmth of her body now almost gone. My vision was slightly blurry from the incessant tears falling from my eyes, but I could still make out the beautiful shape of his face. His furrowed eyebrows and smooth skin white like the moon complimented his dark grey eyes and curved pink lips. He cupped my face gingerly between his hands and tilted his head downwards slightly so that he could look straight at me.
"Look at me." He said in softly, searching my eyes again.
"Look at me. Just look at me, Dee." I nodded and his thumb skimmed my cheekbone again, soothing my erratic breathing slowly. 
"It's okay not to be okay. Just look at me."  His lips moved and my eyes darted back up to his grey orbs, empathy shining through.
"Draco, I..." I said in barely a whisper, his head shaking as he told me not to say a word. I leaned back against the cold wall of the corridor and took a deep breath, my hand lightly cupping my stomach. Draco's eyes were glued to my abdomen and I could tell he wanted to say more but it might be better in privacy even though I wasn't sure how much more of anything I could handle right now.
"Ginny go help the others."
"Are you sure you want me to-"
"I can't go out there so please. For me." Ginny looked at me with a pained expression as my eyes watered again slightly.
"I'll take her to the Great Hall." With a wave of her wand, Tonks' lifeless body that was strewn across my legs lifted gently at the command of Ginny.
"I'll give you some time, mate. I'm sorry about Tonks, Edwards." Blaise said, hands in his pockets as he walked off.
Draco took a seat slightly across from me but still close enough to where he could reach me, which he did. Turning my palm over, he gently moved his fingers over my skin, making slight goosebumps rise on my skin.  His blonde hair was hanging over his face slightly and I smiled weakly at his almost shaggy appearance. Definitely needs a haircut.
"I dunno what to say. I suppose there's nothing I can say that will change the way you feel." Draco peered up at me through his blonde hair, pushing it back which didn't really make much of a difference. I nodded, my body trembling slightly as I felt the sobs begin to well up inside and the knot in my throat very large.
"I'm sorry. I've left you alone in this."
"You didn't know." I choked out and his eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise at me even responding.
"Even after I did, I didn't send a scrap of news from me. It was wrong. But my family just-"
"I know."
"They just can't understand. You know my father-"
"I know." We sat there looking at each other and acknowledging that this situation was impossible for the both of us. Part of me wanted him to tell his family to piss off and be with me but considering I'd gone my entire life without a real family, I couldn't ask him to give up his even if they were cruel. My tears fell heavily down my face and I let my hair become a curtain between us. More sobs escaped me and I wasn't sure if I could stop them this time. The totality of Tonks' death and my unborn child's inevitable life without a father made my nerves shot. What was I going to do?
"Dee, please don't get so distraught. It isn't good."
"What do you know about what's good for me?" He frowned and reached into his pocket, pulling out a flask. Inside was a liquid, barely holding just a tinge of blue in the vial. Draco held it out to me and I eyed it suspiciously.
"It's a calming draught. Please just take it."
"Oh and you just so happen to have one in your pocket?"
"They're for my mother. She hasn't been the same since.... Will you just drink it please? It's not good for you or our baby to be as distraught as you are." My lips parted and stomach flipped as the words "our baby" left his mouth. This was the first time he was acknowledging our child and I couldn't help but get a warm feeling inside when he said it. I gently took the flask, tilting my head back as the contents slid down my throat.  A warm sensation made its was through my body and I felt instantly more relaxed but not enough to make me feel like a bag of jell-o. I was still lucid.
"I love you." I blurted out in a soft tone, my cheeks reddening slightly. Draco's smile made its way across his face and he pushed back the hair covering his view to me. He opened his mouth to say something when I heard a frantic scream from behind him.
"DRACOO!! What ARE you doing?!" Pansy screeched, nostrils flaring.
"What the bloody hell is it to you anyways? We're finished. We've been finished for more than a year now but you can't get it through that thick skull of yours for some reason."
"She'll ruin you. She's pregnant you know." She pointed an accusing finger at me, disgusted at me. Draco was standing now and I could tell from his body language that he was angry even though his back was to me.
"I know that, Pansy."
"Then why-" Her face faltered slightly and I looked away, not able to muster the strength to talk back.
"I love her."
"It's not like you can really be together anyways. You value your status too much. Your father values it too much to allow it."
"My father can go to h-"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I raised you better than to use that language, son." Lucius Malfoy said from behind Pansy, a prideful smirk upon his thin lips.
"Father." Draco said, a noticeable lump in his throat could be heard.
"You disappoint me once again, Draco. This girl is worth all this trouble, you say?" He walked towards me and moved my hair to the side with his walking stick, using the tip that was farthest from him. Lucius pursed his lips disapprovingly, turning towards his son again.
"Hardly worth a glance, I'd say." He cleared his throat, lifting an eyebrow expectantly at his son.
"She can hear you, you know."
"Yes, yes. How unfortunate." Lucius waved his hand at me dismissively and I clenched my teeth. I knew I'd be angry if it wasn't for the calming draught.
"He says he loves her, Mr. Malfoy." Pansy crossed her arms, a scowl clear on her face.
"I don't see how he could love someone that would ruin the reputation of not only himself but the entire Malfoy line. You won't get any sympathy or acknowledgement from me regardless of that bastard seed growing inside you, half-breed." Draco's fists were clenched and he took a few steps towards his father so I got up and reached out for him.
"That's my child. Your grandchild. How can you say that?"
"It's simple, Draco. We don't associate with these..people. Claim that child and you'll never see a cent from your mother and I again. You will never step another foot in our door. So ask yourself, is she worth losing the future we've built for you?" Draco looked at me from over his shoulder and didn't say a word. If he couldn't answer then I would. I looked at Lucius Malfoy, his straight long blonde hair falling down just above his chest with no remorse upon his face. He saw me for what I was; nothing.
"No. No I'm not." I said in a hoarse voice. Lucius gave me what was supposed to be a smile but it looked more like a smirk than the former.
"Ah. She has some sense. She knows there's nothing further to pursue here. It's time you did too." Draco still remained silent, not saying a word against his father and I nodded, looking down.
"Excuse me." I turned on my heels and walked away, the only sound being my footsteps against the stone corridor. I wasn't expecting him to follow me. Draco would have to become something in my rear view mirror. There was nothing left to do but kick some ass with my friends, take care of my child and find Lupin. Lupin would be all I was to have left to give me direction in a now one lane road, Draco fading off behind me in the opposite direction.

The Dark Lord commanded his forces to retreat and we were allowed time to gather our dead and treat those who were injured. We'd learned that Fred had been killed after part of the castle had fallen on him. I was trying my best to comfort Ginny but I couldn't help but wonder where Lupin was. I hadn't seen him since our conversation in the tower. No one could locate him and I was starting to get antsy, the calming draught obviously wearing off. I hadn't seen Draco either and although part of me still looked around the room for him, I was trying to accept the state of things. Harry was missing too, Hermione trying not to show just how anxious she was that he'd gone by himself to the Dark Lord.
"Mione, I'll be back." She nodded and my eyes drifted to Ginny who had her head on Hermione's shoulder as a tear fell down her dirt stained cheek. I saw Professor Trelawney near the entrance to the Great Hall and made my way to her so I could ask for the fifth time of she had seen Lupin. Tonk's boots came into my view as she laid out on the cot but then I recognized the dress shoe pair to her right. As my eyes travelled up the tan pant leg, I knew who it was but my mind refused to register it completely until his face came into my view. I gasped as Lupin's disheveled sandy hair and calm expression similar to being in a deep slumber sunk in. Both their arms were outstretched slightly as if they had been reaching for each other and I slowly sunk to my knees, unable to speak for the second time tonight. I tore my eyes away from their faces and squeezed them shut, trying to get the image out of my head but it was like it was branded there permanently. I took a few shaky deep breaths and buried my face in my hands, too emotionally shattered to respond. I had fallen apart earlier and had seemingly exhausted my ability to cry. I felt my cheeks become moist and wiped to find a few tears rolling down. I guess there's enough supply to cry some more.

My parents.




What more would I have to endure before being able to experience some happiness for a span of more than a few years?

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