Chapter Forty-Nine

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I'm alive I promise. Sorry I took so long with this guys! I got a new job and I have closing shifts 5/7 days of the week plus I'm babysitting all day. Thanks for your patience ugh I love u guys! The next few chapters will all be the Battle of Hogwarts! Please be advised there will be only 5 chapters at the most left okay? I know I'm sad too. Anyways enjoy and COMMENT!!!


They were leaving today. Harry, Ron and Hermione. As much as I wanted to go with them, I would probably just slow them down especially since I was expecting. I was still pretty nauseous, sometimes throughout the entire day. I was throwing up so much that my gums started to get sensitive from brushing my teeth after each session of vomiting. It was frustrating that I could barely fit into my jeans now except for this one pair that had a little bit of an extra stretch. Now, my back was starting to have that signature pregnancy curve and I was constantly cupping my tummy or resting my hand behind my back as if it helped my back pains. The good thing about this was my hair was less oily on the days in between washes. Must be the vitamins.

I sat down and placed my cup of hot tea in front of me along with a spoon to mix in a little sugar. Tea was one of the few things I could keep down these days and I wasn't complaining. The loose strands of hair around my face tickled my skin and I brushed them away, which coincidentally reminded me of Draco. He was always pushing the loose tendrils away from my face, the smooth skin of his hand making the lightest of contact with my face. I suppose I won't be feeling that again. I got up from my seat and took long steps towards the porch, leaning against the post. I brought the brim of the cup to my lips, the warmth of it against my slender fingers. The shore wasn't far off and I could see the glint of the sun on the water. This place was beautiful, I just wish he could see it. Stop torturing yourself. I felt a hand on my shoulder startling me so much that I jumped, spilling some of the tea on my jeans.
"Sorry. That's my fault I reckon. I just wanted to say we're about ready to leave." Harry apologized, a slight smile on his lips. I patted at my jeans with the sleeve of my old sweater, shaking my head.
"You're horrid. Absolutely horrid. You know that right?" I said, frowning at my pant leg with my tingling skin underneath.
"So I've heard from your boyfriend." He joked, stopping short when he'd realized what he'd said.
"Erm, sorry." I nodded, knowing he meant no harm by it.
"It's okay. No use in pretending he'll still be there, right?" I set the cup down on the small table near us and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"Come on." Harry gave me a hopeful smile and beckoned me to follow him. My feet sunk with each step into the sand and I grabbed Harry's arm for balance. We met Ron, Hermione who was already disguised as Bellatrix and Griphook the goblin. I didn't trust him but I knew they needed him to get into the vault at Gringotts.
"Well, how do I look?" Hermione asked.
"Hideous." Ron stated and I laughed, crossing my arms.
"You can give that to Hermione to hold, Griphook." Harry said pointing to Hermione's beaded bag, which Griphook put the sword in.
"Well I'm not very fond of goodbyes so good luck and we'll meet at Hogwarts eventually." No one said anything and Hermione took me tightly in her arms, my stomach putting a little space between us. I'd be 12 weeks tomorrow.
"We'll let you know where we are when we can." I nodded and she let go, smiling genuinely with Bellatrix's features which was thoroughly weird to see.
"Take care of yourself." Ron said, hands on his hips and I gave him a thankful smile, sad that they were leaving after we had just reunited.
"We're relying on you, Griphook. If you get us into the vault and past the guards, the sword's yours." Griphook placed his small hand on top of theirs and they disapparated with a crack.

I rubbed one of the pearls between my thumb and index finger, the thin gold chain hanging against the pale skin of my wrist. I chewed my lip, wondering what he was doing right now. Probably in the library skimming for a new book or organizing his clothes. Draco was exceptional at folding and even though he'd tried to show me, I couldn't do it like he did. His clothes never had wrinkles, and he was known to fold his clothes except his boxers after we'd been intimate.

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