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SIIIKKKEE! I have been planning this all along. Yes I enjoyed this. No I'm not sorry I did it. Anyways thank you all for your support and love for my story. It's been awesome but THIS is it. Comment (for the last time) and enjoy this ending! Let me know what you think!



"Honestly, Mione, I dunno how you think that's cute. It's absolutely horrid." I chuckled, shaking my head at the shirt she was holding up for my baby.
"It's not horrid. I thought it was cute but now you've gone and made me self-conscious about my sense of style." I rolled my eyes and rounded the corner of the row of baby clothes, a mirror glinting in the sunlight that was shining in from the glass of the shop we were in. I tucked my hair behind my ear, cocking my head sideways to look at myself. I was quite pregnant now just having reached the six month mark. I could only wear dresses now, I didn't dare try and wear jeans if I had a choice. Even the maternity ones were uncomfortable but I'd had to wear them to work a few days a week.

I was now working at a small but surprisingly popular pastry shop by my flat. We had a lot of foot traffic especially on Sundays and my manager was just starting to let me help make the pastries instead of just packing them up for customers. It paid decent and I was happy to be doing something I liked. I didn't have to worry about driving which was nice because lord knows I couldn't afford a car or anything of that sort right now.
The flat wasn't very big, but I was managing since it would only be myself and my baby. I had very few things in the flat; a mattress on the floor of my room, some appliances that had come with the place that sometimes wouldn't work, an extra television that Neville had at his grandmother's, a small sofa from the Weasley's, a table and two chairs from a yard sale I'd gotten for quite a steal and a crib that Lupin and Tonks were saving to give to me. It wasn't much but I was doing the best I could given the hand I'd been dealt. Harry, Hermione and Ginny would always try to buy things like diapers and whatnot when they could but I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. At this point I started telling them I'd just gotten something for the birth just so they wouldn't worry so much. Sometimes they had a right to worry. I wasn't okay all the time.
It was lonely being pregnant and sleeping in an empty place. My daily routine was going to work and coming back to my flat. I was thankful for Saturdays because that was my day off and I'd get to go out like I was now. I'd not been able to go to sleep for hours quite often not only because I was uncomfortable but because I knew there was so much to do and I wasn't sure I could give my child what they deserved. I cried myself to sleep some nights of the week but I kept a supply of calming draughts handy in case I was too distraught. The doctors said the baby was healthy and I wasn't going to jeopardize that for momentary weakness. There simply wasn't room for error.
"What about this?" I turned around and saw Hermione holding up a onesie with my favorite color and I smiled.
"I like it and it just made me think of a name. The first one actually."
"Well, spit it out. I'm sure it's perfect."
"Violet." The name rolled off my tongue and I smiled, awaiting Hermione's opinion on the name I was considering for my baby girl.
"Okay, you have to get this now. Violet is perfect." I smiled and we took the few blankets and onesies to the lady behind the counter. Violet Edwards sounded good but the small voice inside me couldn't help but murmur another surname.

I drummed my fingers on the glass counter, treacle tarts and lemon cakes lined up in rows beneath. I looked back at the clock on the wall behind me and untied the apron from my waist. Six o'clock.
"I'm leaving, Francine." I called out to my boss who was in the back. I heard her yell for me to not forget the almond croissant she had set aside for me this morning and I grabbed the carefully wrapped pastry. I went into the restroom to change out of my jeans and shop tshirt, opting for an ankle length dandelion yellow dress. Taking my sneakers off, I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped into some sandals. I knew it would be warm outside in the August breeze and I was always hot anyways. I put my uniform and sneakers in the cubby by the bathroom. Slinging my purse over my shoulder, I left the shop with the croissant. My mouth watered as I unwrapped it, some of the flecks of flaky dough falling. Putting the corner of the almond dessert in my mouth, I chewed happily as I walked down the street to get dinner. After a few bites I put the croissant away, not wanting to spoil my appetite completely. I was dying to get my hands on a plate of shrimp alfredo. Italian food was my weakness especially since I was pregnant. There was an Italian place down a few blocks that I always ordered from to go. I didn't want to sit alone and watch other couples enjoy themselves or have adults whisper about me not so discreetly. The looks I got were sometimes very uncomfortable but the staff at the restaurant was always very nice. They knew it was always chicken or shrimp alfredo to go. I pushed the door open and spotted Raymond who had my order.
"Shrimp alfredo all ready to go, Delia. How was work?" He asked, handing me my bag of heaven.
"Alright. Kind of slow today actually." I paid him and took the bag.
"I'll stop by tomorrow round lunch for a treacle tart."
"Alrighty see you then, Ray!" I waved and left the restaurant, desperate to get home and eat. The bag felt slightly heavier than usual and I looked inside to see garlic bread wrapped as well. They know me too well. That's embarrassing. I shook my head and dug through my purse for my keys, but then he spoke.
"Dee?" I swallowed hard and looked up slowly to see the same magnificent grey eyes that had haunted me for months in my sleep. Draco stood with his hands in his pockets, still as well dressed as ever. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out and he chewed his lip.
"I-I'm sorry to just show up. I was in the neighborhood. There's a record store down that ways." I knew what store he was talking about because I spent time there when I could, avoiding the Rolling Stones section at all costs. But it wasn't a short walk. Most times I would apparate there.
"Right." I turned to put the key in the door but he took some steps closer, making my heart thud.
"Okay, I lied. I asked Hermione for your address."
"Great. I'll have to kill her later."
"I just had to see where you were living and I'm glad I did. These flats are hardly acceptable. They're shoeboxes."
"You have no right to know where I am. Not that I owe you an explanation but I'm doing the best I can for us. She may not grow up in a mansion like you did but she will be loved unconditionally by me."
"She?" His eyes sparkled and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Don't act like we are of any concern to you."
"You are. You always have been and I'm sorry for everything I've done. I've been a right foul git and I deserve every ounce of anger you have towards me. All I'm asking is to talk."
"There's nothing to say and my dinner is getting cold so excuse me." I opened the door slightly and he grabbed my forearm gently, making me turn to face him.
"Please, I know I don't deserve the chance to even speak to you again but hear me out. I have a lot to make up for in more ways than I can imagine."
"I understood when you didn't write after finding out about her. I understood when you didn't defend us. I even understood when you chose to leave us. Forgive me, but I don't understand why you're here. You don't get to come in and out of my life when you want."
"I know." He looked down at the floor and I did too, the pavement dark and smooth. Why was he here? Why now? I wasn't doing fantastic but I was managing and now he decides to come back? Well he didn't say he wanted to get back together with me. He just wants to talk. I looked back at his face, his lips pressed together and brows furrowed slightly. My eyes followed the seam of his shirt down to his wrist where the leather bracelet hung, my stomach churning. I cupped my stomach and searched his grey eyes for any sign of dishonesty. Sighing, I pushed the door open and he looked at me in shock, clearly not expecting me to let him in again after everything.
"I have enough for both of us. And you may think it's a shoebox but it's my shoebox. It isn't much but-"
"Anywhere is home as long as I'm with you." I turned away from him and hid the smile spreading across my face. Leading him upstairs, I turned the key and opened the door to an uncertain tomorrow but I was okay with that because I was home. We both were.

Unnatural | D.M.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin