Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hey guys! Sorry times a million for uploading a little behind schedule. I went on vacation and got back Monday. It's the second week of the second semester here so bear with me. I hope you guys enjoy as usual and if anyone gets the chance to visit Florida, DO IT. Comment and let me know what you think whether it be "I h8 Pansy" or "lmao" like I really don't care I just appreciate any feedback. Anyways, enjoy my loves!


Hogwarts was different. I don't think I've ever seen such a mass quantity of students walking about the castle with their heads down. Classes were almost sinister and the material was even worse. Strict curfews were instilled and if anyone was caught out of bed, they'd have the Carrows to deal with. Ginny and I stuck together, and I was lucky enough to have almost all of my classes with her except Dark Arts. Amycus Carrow was the professor, and I never looked him in the eye. Last week he'd used the cruciatus curse on another Gryffindor I didn't know by name. I turned away as he writhed on the floor in pain, and at that moment I knew I had to be crafty with sending out letters to Harry and the others. Neville was my only comfort in that class.

Draco still hadn't broken up with Pansy officially and it was driving me insane.
"Draco, seriously. Do it or I'm done." I said, crossing my legs as I sat on the couch in the Room of Requirement.
"To be quite honest she hasn't let me speak. All she does is talk and talk. It drives me insane."
"I suppose you haven't heard of something called interrupting?" I rolled my eyes. What an idiot.
"You know what, I'll go right now. See you after lunch." He walked out and I shrugged my shoulders. Getting up and placing my hands on my hips, I let out a sigh of relief. Although we couldn't make our relationship public just yet, I was glad that soon enough he would be mine only. I tried not to be an overly jealous girlfriend but she got under my skin and understandably so in my opinion. I craftily left the Room of Requirements and looked over my shoulder to see if anyone had seen, when I bumped into someone. I looked to see the cold hard glare of Amycus Carrow and my hands got clammy.
"Watch it, stupid girl." He spat angrily, brushing past me with his long black robes trailing behind him. I gulped and walked to the Great Hall for lunch.
"Are you alright? You're looking a little pale." Ginny said as I grabbed my fork to eat the meat in front of me.
"Yeah I just bumped into Amycus Carrow. Like literally walked right into him." Her eyes widened and she looked around before turning back to me.
"Did he say anything to you?"
"I'm surprised he didn't curse you on the spot." Neville said.
"All he said was 'Watch it, stupid girl.' I nearly died." I put a forkful of rice in my mouth and realized it was undercooked. The crunchy bits stuck to my teeth.
"Fucking hell. We can't even get a decent plate of food around here anymore." I mumbled, pushed the sickly looking meat around my plate. The food was another reminder of how much Hogwarts had changed.
"WHAT?!" Pansy screeched from the Slytherin table behind me. I turned to look at her fuming, fists clenched. Draco got up and said something to her most likely trying to get her to calm down. He placed his hand on her arm and she shoved it away, nostrils flaring. I couldn't help but feel some small amount of joy in watching it. I knew it was a terrible thing for me to feel but I felt it.
"I hate you, Draco Malfoy! I hate you!" She screeched again, storming out. Draco briefly made eye contact with me and I chewed my lip.
"Looks like they're fighting again." I said, faking innocence. Ginny chuckled and I looked at Neville who was also pushing his food around.
"That was not a normal argument. It looked like he broke up with her."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." I smiled to myself and shoveled food into my mouth, trying to ignore the taste so I could meet Draco faster.
"I'll see you later? Save me a seat, Ginny." I downed my pumpkin juice and walked out towards the astronomy tower. Draco arrived soon after and I couldn't hide my smile as he approached me.
"I'm all yours."
"Are you sure about that?" I asked as he pulled me closer by the waist until our faces were inches apart. He chuckled lightly and brushed my cheek with the back of his index finger, making me catch my breath.
"I always have been. Since the day you tried to set me straight in Diagon Alley." I laughed, wrapping my arms around him. I inhaled the light peppermint scent that mingled with his cologne and found comfort in its subtle presence.
"I love you." I looked up at him as a smile tugged at the corner of my lips. I felt my cheeks flush and he leaned in, closing the space between us. His lips were as soft as they ever were, moving like silk over mine, in perfect rhythm. Draco pulled away smiling.
"You taste like pumpkin juice." I bit my lip and sighed.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be." I looked at him in confusion as he pushed a piece of hair away from my face.
"Someone told me to give it a second chance and well, it's not as bad as I remember from when I was eight." I laughed and tucked my hair behind my ear, releasing him.
"You!" An unmistakably angry voice said. I turned to see Pansy and I looked at Draco who looked surprisingly indifferent.
"You left me for this MUDBLOOD?" Her nostrils flared and I took a step towards her, blood boiling under my skin.
"That's none of your business, Pansy. We're over. Finished." Draco said defensively.
"Just you wait until everyone hears about this, Draco. That you're swapping saliva with this mudblood whore."
"Don't you dare say a word against her. No one would believe you anyways. Do you know how easy it is to make you out to be a deluded witch?" Pansy glared so hard at us both I thought we might burst in flames.
"Did you tell her how good I was to you?"
"Shut up, Pansy."
"I'm assuming this has been going on for a few months so does she know?" Pansy took steps towards me, smirking. Draco stepped closer to me protectively but I never took my eyes off her.
"Did you know that while he entertained your little fantasy, he came to me almost every night?" I gulped and looked at Draco.
"Did you know that while he was saying how much you mattered to him, he was coming to my bed and fucking me afterwards? For hours?" A few tears escaped my eyes and I looked away.
"Enough, Pansy!' Draco roared, stepping in front of me.
"Don't worry, I was finished. I'll see you soon, Draco." She purred, walking away. I let out a few sobs, crossing my arms. Draco put his arms around me in comfort but it was the last thing I wanted at that moment.
"Don't listen to her, Dee." I shrugged away from him and wiped my eyes.
"Just leave me alone right now, alright? I'll see you later." I walked away with him calling after me and an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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