Chapter Ten

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Hey guys it's been awhile sorry! I just started college and it's super time consuming! I will update when I can as soon as I can but bear with me(:

"I actually hate pumpkin juice. It's incredibly disgusting." I laughed and I could see his breath in front of him as a chuckle escaped his lips.
"Really? I actually like it." Malfoy scrunched his nose in disgust and I felt a shiver go up my spine so I rubbed my arms. I'd gotten somewhat accustomed to the snow but it was still terribly cold.
"I hope you're ready for Gryffindor to lose tomorrow." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"Do you really think you're better than us? I've heard Slytherin is doing quite terrible this year."
"Yeah well that's because I'm not playing this year." Draco smirked, grinning at me with the most breathtaking smile. I looked away as I felt my cheeks flush, annoyed at the fact that I couldn't control my feelings around him.
"Why aren't you playing?" His face fell and I felt a pang of guilt for not realizing sooner. Idiot.
"I think we both know why." I nodded and squeezed his arm in reassurance.
"Anyways, what's your favorite sweet?"
"Truthfully speaking, I fancy Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and Cauldron Cakes when I can get my hands on them. My father doesn't allow them in my home."
"Are they too childish for your father? I mean, does he have any fun at all?"
"Unless you count blindly following the Dark Lord to keep a sliver of your ego intact, definitely not." My eyes widened and he clenched his hands into fists.
"I knew I shouldn't have done this. Dammit, Edwards!" He stormed away and I bit my lip. His father was a Death Eater? Maybe that's why Harry hates him so much. Harry was good and righteous, and from what he'd told me, the Malfoy family was the opposite. I'd never imagined that his family would be involved in something so sinister. I gulped and walked to the common room, mind filled with the possibility of Draco being so intimately involved with this. He couldn't be a Death Eater. Sure, he had a temper and was known as the most vile student at Hogwarts but there was more to him.

After two hours of trying to preoccupy my thoughts with Potions seeing as I had average marks in that class, I gave up. Shutting my book closed, I grabbed parchment and a quill.

Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 8:00. I have the forbidden sweets.


I carefully folded the piece of parchment and placed a spell that would find help the parchment find Draco and only open at his touch, becoming blank at the touch of another. I sent out my letter and placed a bag of the flavored beans on my bed. I anxiously waited for the clock to strike eight o clock. I decided to be there a few minutes early so I slipped on my high-tops, fixing my hair in the mirror.
"Where are you going, Delia?" Hermione asked, eyebrow raised.
"You don't have to worry about me, Mione. I can look like Professor Trelawney or you in a heartbeat."
"Delia please don't transfigure into me. The last thing I need is a detention."
"You worry too much, Mione. I'll be back soon." She gave me a half-smile and I walked out, bag of sweets in hand.

On my way to the Astronomy Tower, I was approaching the bathroom that Moaning Myrtle sometimes occupied when I heard a thumps coming from inside. I opened the door, and quietly stepped in with my wand drawn. Another thump came from one of the stalls that was halfway open. Stepping closer, I realized it was Malfoy entangled with Pansy. He had her pressed against the side of the stall, her hands clawing at him. My eyes watered and the bag of sweets fell from my fingers, the candies spilling onto the floor. She turned to look at me as he kissed her neck and her lips curved into a smirk.
"Get out of here you filthy mudblood!" She spat. Just then, his hungry eyes met mine and turned to guilt. I spun around, leaving the bathroom as tears flooded my eyes. I could barely see even as I wiped the tears away on my sleeve. I crashed into someone and looked to see Professor McGonagall.
"What are you doing roaming the castle this late? Oh my. Are you alright, dear?" I nodded and stood up straight.
"Just wonderful, professor. Have a good night." I walked away from her and reached the Gryffindor common room. I must've looked like hell because Harry immediately got up, rushing to my side.
"Delia, what's wrong?"
"Nothing I don't want to talk about it. I just need to sleep." I pushed past him but he grasped my arm.
"You can talk to me when you feel up to it. Get some rest." I nodded and threw myself on the bed, sobbing quietly into my pillow as Ella rubbed herself against me in an attempt to comfort me.

"Get out of here you filthy mudblood!" Pansy screeched, startling me. I pulled away from her neck and saw Delia standing there with an expression I couldn't quite decipher. Was it sadness? No it couldn't be. I took a step towards her but she'd already made it out the door. Sweets laid sprawled across the floor and I remembered I was to meet up with her. I looked at my watch and saw it was 8:05.
"Dammit." I cursed under my breath, buttoning my shirt.
"Where are you going? I'm not finished with you yet." Pansy tore my shirt open, sending the buttons flying.
"Piss off, Pansy. I'm leaving." I snarled and walked away fuming with my ruined shirt exposing my bare chest.
"You know where to find me, Draco." My eyes narrowed as her incredibly irritating voice faded behind me.

Sneaking around the deserted halls, I searched for Delia but couldn't find her. Angry at myself for blowing her off, I tried to sleep it off but my mind was too preoccupied so I headed to the Room of Requirement to blow off some steam.

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