chapter 43

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hello everybody

it didn't get me that long to upload this time...

yay me!!!

hope you like the next chapter!!!


Chapter 43

The months passed by, and they got even much more attached to each other and their baby. They went to their regular appointments to the doctor and he was assuring them each time that the baby and the mother were fine. The bump in her belly that was barely noticeable before was now a proud tell-tale of their scandalous activities eight months ago. Maya and Christy had a blast buying maternity clothes each month. In the beginning Maya thought that she would have to buy them once and that they would expand. It did not turned out that way. The damn things did not fit her after a month. And when she tried to buy them bigger, they were awful on her until she reached the weight they were designed for.

Nicolas of course was amused that she complained about having to shop for new clothes. All his previous relationships practically lived to shop. What was even more weird was the fact that not only she did not expect him to buy her clothes, she actually insisted that she was the one to pay for them. It got ridiculous at one time that they went together to shop and they had a fight in front of the cashier because she insisted that she was the one to pay. He did not want to upset her further and he retreated but when they got out of the shop, he promised her that he was going to pay for all the things they would buy for his little fairy and that he would not let her get the satisfaction of buying not even a shock.

The ultrasound had confirmed Nicolas's obsession that the baby was a girl. That night after they left the doctor's office, Nicolas was behaving like a drunk teenager. He saluted strangers on the street, he even kissed an old lady, and danced three blocks to the place they had parked their car. After that he would not stop talking to everyone he came in contact with about his little fairy, for two whole weeks. Counting that out everything was back to normal at the office. They worked side by side with Nicolas just fine, and the rest of her co workers behaved like she was not the future wife of their boss.

One noon, after lunch break, Nicolas received an invitation for a ball that was going to be held in their town that year, in which all the big companies of the country in his field were usually invited. After the first two years since the foundation of his company, he always received an invitation which was a great honour for him. This year his was twice as happy about it because he would have the chance to show off his future wife and their little fairy. After reading the invitation he immediately called Maya and asked her to come to his office. He did not want to tire her but he loved watching her entering his office, because first entered the belly and then Maya. It was an adorable sight that he would not get to enjoy it for too long since she was already too heavy to move around easily and he had to start going to her for whatever he needed. Soon enough the belly entered and he cherished the moment!

“Hello sweetie, are you feeling OK?”

“Yes Nicolas I am fine. Don't you think you would be the first one to know if something was wrong?”

“I am just asking fairy, you know how much I worry for my two beautiful fairies''

“I am not a fairy anymore Nicolas, I am a whale!”

“Who said such awful things about my fairy? He is going to pay for it!”

“I don't need anyone to tell me, I have eyes and I see the expanse my body covers nowadays.”

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