chapter 25

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hello everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are all the best for supporting my story that much!!!!

i am updating one day earlier this week!!!!

most of you will be celebrating halloween i guess so have FUN!!!!

This chapter is about Maya's and Nicolas's weekend together....


Chapter 25

The next morning Maya woke up to the sound of her alarm clock on the first beep. She showered and got dressed quickly. Ten minutes to nine and she was all ready and waiting. She even had her morning coffee. Apparently when she did not have to go to office she prepared herself pretty quickly. Sad realization, but true. At exactly nine o clock her doorbell rung and Maya could not help but wonder if he was already outside and was waiting for the clock to reach the precise time of their date. Because that kind of punctuality was just unreal.

“Goodmorning Maya” he said before bending and giving her a kiss on the lips, as if to remind her where they had left off the previous day at work. As if she could forget. The remembrance of that kiss lulled her to sleep the previous night.

“Goodmorning to you too Nicolas. Do you want to come in for some coffee?” she offered.

“No thanks you, I was wondering if you would like us to go and get some breakfast in a cafe I know near here. If you haven't had any already, of course.”

“No I only had coffee. We can go if you like, let me get my jacket” She took her clothes and her purse and they left. A few minutes later they were outside of the cafe. It was actually very close to her place but she had not noticed it before. As they entered the waitress saluted Nicolas.

“Well hello there stranger. Long time no see”

“I was out of the country Glenda. You now that if I am here you are feeding me the weekends.”

“You better. Or else no triple layer chocolate cake for you.” She winked at him. “Ahhh I see you brought a lady friend with you. Well it was about time you got something this sweet permanent to your life” she said as she seated them at a table. “What would you like sweety?” she asked Maya

Maya was looking them astound.

“A cup of coffee and some of that cake you mentioned please.”

“And she dares eat that many calories? You have a winner there sport, don't loose her.” Glenda said and left to go bring them their order

“So you come here often?”Maya said sarcastically to a laughing Nicolas.

“Yes I come here often. Glenda is a college friend of my mother's. They were roommates when they were studying but when they both got married they left for different towns. Glenda and her husband own this place and when I moved around here she self appointed herself my replacement mother. That explains her attitude.”

“So what was that about you not bringing any girl here. I am sure you date a lot. Some of them had to be serious. I mean it is our second date.”

Nicolas looked at her wide eyed and Maya realized how blunt she had been. She hadn't meant to say that out loud.

“Did I just say that? Let's pretend I did not speak my inner thoughts right now. Let's just enjoy our time together.” She was starting to panic now.

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