chapter 5

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So this is the next chapter. It is small i know but the next one will be larger i promise!!!!!


Maya’s POV:

The day passed in a daze with the constant teasing from Christy about how the guy must have been really good in bed if I my insides were still throbbing the next day. I was tempted in many occasions to throw her out but she kept reminding me that she was my best friend and I should be careful of the way I treat her. When the night came I kicked out Christy reminding her that the reason we weren’t roommates anymore was because I enjoyed spending time on my own. Of course she did not leave to be the one with the last word telling me that she only agreed to it because unlike me she liked an active sex life which was too much for my delicate ears. I couldn’t disagree with that since on more than one occasion I had woken up on a fright hearing her screaming while reaching a certain peak in the next room when we used to be roommates.

I was never so wild something that now everybody in my previous job knew due to the graphic narration of me ex’s secretary-slut. The thought had me furious once again. I tried to calm down. I needed to get a good night’s sleep since tomorrow I would have to introduce myself, sober this time, to my new boss. Ya, I instantly new that sleep would not be in my schedule soon, since I was so anxious about my encounter with my boss the next day. I knew that was silly not only because July told me that he seemed very fond of me at the party but also because we were working together for two months now even if we contacted only by phone. I mean I had managed his company in his shoes even though I was new there and I had done a pretty good job at it. I don’t like to brag but that is the truth. He should feel indebt to me.

Still I could not relax. What if he had seen me leaving with a stranger last night. So what I kept telling myself. I was a free woman and could do anything I wanted in my free time. And as a matter of fact he did not know I was a free woman. Perhaps the man I left with was my boyfriend and he was casually taking me home. Ya ok, if he had the nerve to ask me something like that, that would be my answer to him. The guy was my boyfriend. What was his name? Eeeeh Hugo, that sounded good enough. But maybe I would keep some truths to the deal. What was the name of the guy I danced with? The one I remember anyways. Oh yes Mike. So recapitulating my boyfriends name is Mike and I left with him.  What if he asks July and our stories don’t add up. Way to go hyper analyzing things Maya at 1 o’clock in the night. One o’clock? Jesus and I have to wake up at six. Way to go again Maya!!! Sleep Sleep Sleep.

At six o’clock the next morning the damn alarm clock woke me up. I finally managed to sleep after two in the night so now with less than four hours of sleep I had to face the music as they say. I took a quick shower and that helped a lot with my headache that was still there from yesterday’s hangover. Mental note: Do not under any circumstances drink AGAIN! That would be my new motto, right along with my old one, do not date jerks. In about half an hour I had fixed my hair and was ready to go to work. Exiting my apartment I went straight to the garage to get my car. When I got closer I realized I had a flat tire. Grate the perfect beginning. If that was an omen maybe I should return home and call in sick.

I could not do that and I knew it. I called July and told her I had a flat tire and that I would be late. I went upstairs, I changed to my jeans and went down to change the tire. Of course I could have called my road assistance company but usually they took too long to come and since it was not my first time changing a tire I knew it was best to change it myself. In about 20 minutes my spear was in place and I was running upstairs once again to change in my work clothes. I did not have time to take to take a shower so I cleaned up as best as I could with some water from my sink. After a lot of running and almost a traffic ticket I reached work half an hour late. As soon as I entered my office I found a note on it that my boss wanted to see me when I came in. Great, no way he didn’t know I was late. I left my bag in my usual drawer took the file to the last deal I had finalized on Friday and hadn’t discussed with him yet, and went to his office.

I knocked on his door and heard him. “Come in”

“Hello Mr. Larkson I am sorry I am late….. Youuuuuuuuuuuu?????”


Like i said it is small but i promise to upload soon the next chapter which is bigger and has the meeting


Thanks a lot for reading my story!!!!!!!!!


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