epilogue (part one)

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three years later...

"grayson and sophia, get downstairs for dinner," i called, while strapping my almost one year old daughter into her high chair. the stomping of their little feet pounded on the hardwood floor towards the dining room.

grayson and sophia sat across the table from lilianna and i. she banged her tiny fists against the tray of her highchair, babbling incoherent words to herself. the seat at the head of the table, which usually belonged to kian, was empty as it had been for the last three months.

kian and jc went on one last tour before the end of their shared channel. the kids missed him a lot, but i missed him just as much. he was always so amazing when he was home, always making me smile and helping with the kids. he was a true blessing.

"mommy, when is daddy gonna be home," grayson asked. sophia nodded from beside him, her bottom lip pouting out. i shrugged my shoulders, sending a sympathetic smile to the both of them.

"i'm not sure, we just have to wait and see. it shouldn't be too much longer, okay?" i told them. grayson nodded, while sophia shook her head and looked down at her lap. she began to cry, small tears falling from her green eyes. "grayson, watch lily okay?" he nodded back at me.

i scooped sophia up in my arms, ushering her into the living room. she cuddled into my chest, holding onto my shirt tightly. her sobs were muffled by the soft fabric of my t-shirt. i rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head repeatedly.

"i miss daddy," she cried, shaking in my arms. i nodded, hugging her even tighter.

"shh, sophia. you need to calm down, baby. i know you miss daddy, but you have to calm down. he will be home in a little bit, okay," i cooed. she continued to cry in my arms.

allison: what r u doing rn??? sos

kian: i'm in the middle of a show. what's wrong??

allison: is it a possible time for a ft? srry :(

in a matter of a few seconds, there was a call coming through my phone. sophia seemed completely unphased by the sound as she continued to cry in my arms. when i answered, all that was heard on the other side was screams. kian tried quieting the audience, which made it a little easier to hear him.

"sophia, look at mommy's phone," i whispered in her ear. she looked up at me with her bloodshot eyes, tear stained cheeks, and a runny nose and my heart broke. she took one look at my phone and her face instantly lit up.

"daddy, i miss you a lot," she cried once more. he shushed her lightly, smiling at her. she quieted down a little bit, only a few more sobs escaping her tiny lips.

"i miss you too, baby. but you gotta be really good for mommy. even when you miss me you have to be really strong and not cry so mommy doesn't get sad too," he told her. she nodded, wiping her cheeks with her hands.

they continued to talk to eachother as i propped sophia on my hip and carried her to the kitchen. she said goodbye to kian as i held my phone in front of grayson. he smiled widely, telling kian how much he loved and missed him.

i sat down beside lilianna, and propped her phone far enough away to where she couldn't touch it. her hands were covered in spaghetti sauce along with her face and basically her whole body. she squealed loudly, pounding her fists against the highchair.

"daddy," she screamed, waving to him. he looked shocked, but still continued to talk to her. he told her how much he loves her and that he can't wait to see her. she smiled and laughed, probably not understanding any part of it.

"when did she learn to do that?" kian asked me. i sat down on the couch, shrugging my shoulders,

"a week or two ago. i was going to have her surprise you when you got home, but surprise," i smiled. he shook his head, looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

"as you know i am in the middle of a show, but i love you and i miss you and i will see you very soon. i think about you every day, baby. i miss you," he whined. i nodded, sighing a little bit.

"i miss you so much, and  i love you more than anything. i will see you when you get home, okay. love you bunches," i smiled, blowing him a kiss before hanging up.

i placed my phone in the pocket of my jeans, and headed to the kitchen to clean up the mess from dinner. i let grayson and sophia go and play, while lily remained in her messy highchair. i quickly did the dishes before heading upstairs to give her a bath.

one by one i  called in each child, helping them with their bath. i changed lily and sophia, while i let grayson change into his pajamas himself. we all gathered in my bed with a story book in my hands.

i read the story as i did every other night. lily was fast asleep in my arms, while sophia was almost asleep on my shoulder. grayson stayed awake on the other side of me. i carried lily on one hip and sophia on the other, while grayson trudged to his room by my feet.

i laid lily in her crib, kissing her forehead lightly. i switched on her nightlight and left the door cracked behind me. i laid sophia down, kissing her forehead and tucking her in tightly. she kissed my cheek and gave me a long hug before i moved ot grayson's room.

he had himself tucked into his bed, the covers up to his chin. i smiled lightly, going over and kissing his forehead. i let my lips linger a little bit longer, pulling him into a tight hug.

"when did you get so big?" i whispered. he shrugged, letting out a long yawn before kissing my cheek and rolling over onto his side.

i headed into my room and changed into my pajamas. i propped myself up with my pillows, and caught up on all of my shows before flicking the light off. my phone lit up on my night stand, making me sit up to read it.

kian: good night baby
kian: i love you and i miss you more than words
kian: i can't wait until i can kiss you again
kian: i can't even imagine what i'm going to do with that body when i get home
kian: okay, i'm sorry. i love you. good night. i love you and gray, and soph, and lily. xx

on the outside i rolled my eyes, but on the inside my heart was beating out of my chest. out of the six years we had been together on and off, not once had my feeling shrunk. and i hoped to god they never would.


one more part to the epilogue and this is over. i am so sad because i love this story to pieces. but i'm writing a sequel as we speak and i love it even more than this one so stay tuned friends.

anyways please vote and comment. i love hearing your opinions. and thanks for almost 4k reads wtf yall. i love u guys so much !!! xoxo

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