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i could finally open my eyes, only to see wires everywhere. connected to my arm, my mouth, my throat. i couldn't breathe. i started to cry, sobs escaping my lips as best as they could. nobody was in here. i screamed, only having it come out as a muffled sound.

the door opened, a nurse filing in. her eyes widened, where she quickly ran out the door. she returned seconds later with a cart and dr.karev.

he unwrapped the tape from my mouth, pulling out the long tube. i gasped, taking deep breaths. a nurse put a mask over my mouth, and i relaxed.

"glad to see you're awake," he smiled. i took a deep breath, my eyes getting heavier. the heart monitor started beeping more quickly. "allison, stay with me."

"tell everyone i love them," i mumbled, barely audible behind the oxygen mask. the heart monitor started dying down, along with my blood pressure.

"get a crash cart in here," he yelled. a nurse put a new iv in, and i don't remember anything after that.

for a few minutes everything was dark. i couldn't breathe, i couldn't see. i had to have been dead. my eyes shot open, and i took a deep breath.

"don't ever do that again, you hear me?" dr.karev told me. i nodded, grabbing his hand. he smiled. "you're such a mircale, kid."

a minute later, kian and jc came bursting through the door. jc started crying, and grabbed my other hand.

"i just got you back, you can't leave me again," he cried, putting his forehead against my hand. dr.karev gave me a puzzled look.

"i guess you didn't look at my last name, or you're not from around here," i breathed. "allison caylen." his eyes widened.

"such a fighter," he mumbled, shaking his head and smiling. he gave the nurses a few instructions before looking back at me. he smiled once more.

jc sat next to me for a few more minutes, still crying. i held his hand with both of mine, leaning my head on his. jc left the room to go talk to one of the doctors.

kian sat on the edge of the bed, lacing our fingers together. he kissed the back of my hand, looking down at me with tears in his eyes. he sniffled and smiled a little bit.

"jc and i thought we lost you. jc was scared, but god i was just as scared. i just got you to be mine, and you almost died. allison, i can't live without you. you are the greatest thing to happen to me, and i want you to know how grateful i am for you. just please get better so we can get you home. please," he whispered, holding my hand tighter.

dr.karev came through the door, jc following right behind him. jc smiled, wiping at his eyes.

"so, i just wanna tell everybody about this at one time. so nothing gets jumbled and we're all hearing the same thing. last week, you suffered an intracranial hemorrhage, meaning that your brain was bleeding really bad. we stopped the bleeding, but you were in a medically induced coma for about a week. then when you woke up this morning, your breathing tube started to choke you. you got scared, couldn't breathe, and because all the strain your body is under right now, your heart just stopped," he told us. i nodded.

"when can i leave?" i asked. my voice was so raspy and dull. dr.karev shrugged.

"it all depends on how fast you recover. definitely a few weeks," he replied. i groaned.

"that blows." i rolled my eyes and he chuckled. he smiled really big.

"glad you're feeling better. now get some rest, okay?" i nodded at him and watched him walk out of the door.

kian went home to grab me somethings from the house. mainly my phone, laptop, blankets, and some new underwear. jc stayed with me.

"kian told me about you guys," jc told me, sitting in a chair beside my bed. i looked up at him. "i'm happy for you guys." he smiled at me.

"he's not gonna hurt me," i whispered. jc shook his head.

"he's not. i'm glad it's him. he's a good guy. a really good guy," he smiled. i nodded.

"he is pretty great," i smiled. jc nodded, patting my leg before walking out the door to leave me to rest. i fell asleep almost instantly.


when i woke up, there were so many people talking. jc, kian, connor, ricky, sam, trevor, my mom, and some man were all in my room. my mom smiled when she saw i was awake.

"hi honey, how are you?" she asked. i shrugged, smiling a little bit.

"i'm doing great, actually." she smiled at my words.

"well, i want you to meet someone. allison, this is your dad," she whispered. the man walked out from the corner slightly, smiling at me.

jc had told me about our dad before. he said he left a few years after i got abducted. our mom went a little bit crazy, and kept thinking random children were me. he begged her to get help, but she refused. so he left. i'm not mad at him for it either.

"hi, dad," i smiled, holding my arms out to him. he quickly came towards me, hugging me lightly. he planted a soft kiss on the side of my head.

"you're all grown up. where did my little girl go?" he whispered, holding my hand tightly.

"i'm still right here, dad. i'll always be here," i whispered. tears spilled from his eyes as he hugged me again.

jc and our mom came over, quickly joining the hug. when we pulled away, we were all crying. i sniffled, looking up at all of them. my family. i started crying harder.

"i'm so glad i found you guys, and i'm so glad that i can call you guys my family. because i love you guys," i cried, clutching onto them for dear life.


thanks for 200 reads and 100 followers. you guys are awesome! :-)

question: how old are y'all? i'm 16!

pls vote and comment and love me as much as i love u

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