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three days later, we all sat around kian and i's house. we didn't really talk, because there really wasn't anything to be said. i was still upset over grayson, and i knew i always would be.

my phone starting ringing loudly on the coffee table. i grabbed it without looking at the caller id, and held it against my ear. after i said hello, i wated a few moments for a reply.

"allison, it's dr.karev. you and kian need to get to the hospital as soon as you can. okay?" and with that, he hung up. there was no explanation, nothing.

i quickly ran into the kitchen to grab my purse from the counter top. kian followed me quickly, not bothering to ask me what was happening. even without telling him, he always seemed to know.

the drive to the hospital seemed to go by agonizingly slow. but when kian parked, i wasted no time running through the front doors of the hospital. by the amount of times i had been in the hospital, i practicaly knew my way around here.

we both arrived to the nicu in record time. i saw dr.karev through the window, holding grayson to his bare chest. i washed my hands and quickly ran into the room. he gave me a sympathetic look, while he slowly shook his head.

"alli, we did everything we could. but his organs are starting to fail. they are just too weak to support him. maybe try skin to skin. it's risky, but the benefits outweigh the risks," he whispered.

i peeled my shirt overtop my head, leaving me in my tanktop. i put a blanket overtop of me, laying grayson underneath of it. it felt amazing to be able to hold him. but i also knew this would probably be the last time i would be able to hold him.

i held him close to me, kian and dr.karev watching us intently. i slowed my breaths, kissing the top of his head. dr.karev looked at one of the machines, clicking a button repeatedly.

"what's happening?" i asked quietly. he shook his head.

"he's trying to breathe over the ventillator. this is crazy. he's trying to copy your breath sounds, alli. he's trying to pull through," he whispered. i nodded, holding him tighter to me.

i sat with him pressed against my chest for at least thirty minutes. dr.karev said he hadn't seen anything like that before. grayson's breaths became more controlled, his kidneys slowly began working, and his heart rate increased.

"he's just like his momma," kian whispered, resting his hands on my hips. i turned around to face him, laying one hand on his chest.

"i love you," i replied, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. he held my cheek, keeping my lips locked with his.

throughout my life, i have never felt immense happiness. and in this exact moment, i felt loved. i felt happy and beautiful and fulfilled. i felt complete with kian and with grayson and jc and the boys. i had no doubt this is how i wanted to be forever.

in the moment, i forgot about all the hate towards me for being a teen mom. it seemed irrelevant because i have never been happier than when i look at grayson, and look at the wonderful man who helped make him. a few tears trailed dowm my cheeks.

"hey, hey. why are you crying?" kian asked, holding me tightly against him. i kissed the soft fabric of his t-shirt.

"because i am so genuinely happy," i sobbed. kian smiled, kissing my lips repeatedly. he mumbled how much he loved me over and over.

we stayed with grayson until visiting hours were over. they practically had to drag us out of the nicu. i hugged dr.karev tightly as i walked out the doors.

when we got home, i immediately went to our bedroom and stripped out of my clothes. i slipped into a long flannel before walking to the living room. kian was on the couch, his feet propped on the coffee table. his hair was messy and his shirt was off.

i sat on his lap, my legs wrapped around his torso.his hands sat tightly on my hips as my head was buried in the crook of his neck. i hugged him tightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"grayson is going to be okay. i know it. he is just as strong as you are," he whispered. i nodded, intertwining our fingers together. i kissed his lips harshly, my hands resting on his bare chest.

his hands found their way under my top, his cold hands resting on the skin of my hips. i laid down on the couch, pulling him down to my lips once again. my legs were wrapped around his torso, pulling him closer if that were even possible. he fumbled with the bottom of my t-shirt before pulling it over my head. i was left in only my panties.

i flipped us over quite sloppily considering the size of the couch. i grabbed the button of his jeans, undoing it along with his zipper. as his pants were coming off i heard something awful. multiple screams.

"oh my god, on the couch? i sleep there sometimes," jc yelled. i hurriedly threw my shirt back over my head, combing down my messy hair. i shrugged, patting him on the back on the way to the kitchen.

"we got our own house to escape this, yet you still find a way to barge in. i am finally stitch free and i was ready to get some. so thank you justin." his mouth hung open.

"that's my girl. she is a keeper, hot damn," kian whistled, slow clapping for me. i did a curtsey, blowing a kiss his way.

"maybe next time you will learn to knock. so all of you either wait down in the basement or leave. kian, how bout you go upstairs," i smiled. kian nodded as jc fake gagged and ran out to the door.

"where were we?" i laughed, shutting the bedroom door behind me.


thanks for almost 900 reads! i might write a 5sos story next i dont know!! love you guys! please vote and comment!!

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