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all the guys walked into my hospital room a bit later, and i couldn't be happier. i really wanted to be able to go home. dr.karev walked in after i got changed.

"now, do not forget to take your medicine. and please take it easy for a while," he repeated himself. i nodded, wrapping my arms around him.

"thank you for helping me out, you're seriously amazing," i smiled. he hugged me tighter, smiling down at me.

"it's not everyday that i get miracle patients," he replied. i hugged him one last time before i was finally able to leave.

a nurse wheeled me to jc's car, and helped me inside. kian crawled in next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

we rode in a comfortable silence all the way back to the house. it really was a good day. after a month, i was finally back home.

jc quickly parked the car, while kian helped me out of the car. he carried my bag inside, and laid it on the couch.

i could tell recovery would be long and hard, because i was already exhausted. i slowly climbed the stairs and made it to my room. i pushed the door open, and took a good look inside. i sighed.

memories came flooding back to me, and i couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. so much has happened in this room, and none of it has been that great. a few tears slipped from my eyes.

two arms wrapped around my waist, and i immediately recognized kian's cologne. i turned to face him, burying my face in his chest. i sobbed silently, hugging him tighter.

"shh. i hate to see you cry. what's wrong?" he asked, rubbing my back. i sniffled quietly.

"i almost died in that room. i couldn't yell, i just kept knocking. i thought he was gonna beat me to death," i whispered.

he grabbed me hand, pulling me towards his room. we laid down, his head resting against my chest. i played with his hair.

"i didn't hear you. he came downstairs, and slammed the door. the door was covered with blood, so i just ran. i thought i lost you, baby." i kissed the top of his head.

"i would rather be right here in your arms that in that room. than with parker, than with dylan. i wish i would have known you for years upon years instead of months," i replied.

he didn't reply. instead, soft snores left his lips. he looked so peaceful, so attractive. i quickly took a picture.

will never be able to thank this amazing guy for never leaving my side through everything that has happened

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will never be able to thank this amazing guy for never leaving my side through everything that has happened. i'm so thankful to have you. #blessed ❤️

i kissed the top of his head again, running the fingers of my free hand through his hair. i closed my eyes, letting myself drift to sleep in his arms.


"baby, wake up. you need to eat something," kian whispered, shaking me lightly. i mumbled quietly, before turning over. he chuckled, kissing my lips lightly.

"i'm not hungry," i whispered, putting my arms over my eyes. he sighed, wrapping his arm over my waist.

"i know, but you need to eat so you can get better. i really want you to get better," he replied, kissing my cheek.

i sighed, wrapping the covers around my short body before heading downstairs. kian chuckled behind me, holding his hand on my lower back.

"well look at the happy couple," jc
smiled, setting a few bowls on the kitchen table. i sat beside jc, stirring my fork in my pasta.

dr. karev told me switching to solid foods would be hard. it could take a month before i'm able to eat normally again.

i took a bite, then set my fork down. jc rubbed my back, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"i know this sucks now, but it'll get better," he replied. i nodded, taking my bowl to the sink.

"i'm gonna go to bed," i whispered. i hugged all the guys, holding onto kian tightly. i kissed him briefly before heading upstairs.

i headed into my room, trying to push away all the negative thoughts. i couldn't stop coming into my room all together.

i hopped into bed, pulling the covers tightly around me. i was beyond exhausted, despite the fact that i had just woke up. i fell asleep almost instantly.

as quickly as i fell asleep, i had woke back up. i was sweating and crying, wishing that i could get rid of all of my thoughts. i had a terrible nightmare that seemed so real. partly because it was real.

i covered my mouth, muffling my sobs. i walked into the bathroom, wiping at my eyes with a piece of toilet paper.

when i opened my eyes, he was behind me. his eyes held the same anger they had the day he beat me. i screamed, throwing my hairbrush at the mirror.

i couldn't take this. no matter what good comes into my life, parker will always be a part of who i am. i hated that more than anything.

my sobs became more frequent as i tried to control my breathing. it seemed impossible. jc came through the door, kian following close behind him.

"he was behind me, and i- i swear," i cried. jc nodded at kian, who picked me up and took me to his room.

"you stay in my room or jc's room at night, okay? i don't want you in there," he whispered, his fingers lightly trailing my back.

"everything is a reminder of him. i wish i would've listened and none of this would have happened. i'm so dumb," i yelled. he grabbed my face between his hands, making me look at him.

"as long as i'm breathing, i will not let anything hurt you. not emotionally, not socially, and sure as hell not physically. you are my girl, and i'm going to make it up for the times i wasn't there," he replied, kissing me deeply.

i wrapped my arms tightly around his body. i fell asleep in the comfort and security of kian's arms, knowing nothing would hurt me if he was here.


hi i have so much pre-written !!! thanks for reading, i heart you. xoxoxo

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