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throughout the entire plane ride, i had managed to map out every worst case scenario there was. it was doing nothing to help calm me down, i can tell you that. it made everything worse, but it was just kind of what i did.

when i walked through the door, he could have another girl with him. that would definitely ruin my entire plan and completely change the entire reason i came here. he might not want to see me after i rejected him at the hospital. he might even have moved and not live in the same place. the possibilities were endless.

i carried a sleeping grayson around the airport, stopping to grab my bag from the carousel. he slept the entire plane ride, which is mostly what prompted my aggressive what if thoughts.

after i got my bag, i pulled out my phone to call for an uber. i sat on a bench outside, scrolling through twitter to keep my thoughts at bay. kian had tweeted half an hour ago that he would be at jc's house filming a video, and i was beyond thankful he said that. it saved me the energy of looking everywhere for him.

ten minutes later, and uber stopped by the curb. grayson was laying on my shoulder, barely awake. i told the driver where to go and tapped my foot anxiously as he drove the familiar route to jc's house.

he stopped in front of the house, and it was a complete sense of deja vu. it reminded me of when i first met jc. i am just as scared and anxious, and i am still debating on getting up and actually going through with this.

the driver cleared his throat, silently telling me to pay him and get the hell out of his car. i gave him the money i owed, and walked to the front door. i didn't knock quite yet because i was too nervous. i was still plannning what to do when grayson rang the doorbell for me.

a few minutes later, jc appeared at the front door. his curly hair was lighter, and he had more tattoos lining his arms. he looked shocked to see me, but i decided i would talk to him later.

i pushed grayson into his arms, and ran to the backyard. kian sat silently on his phone in one of the lawn chairs, waiting for jc to get back. he didn't hear me come in, so he didn't look up from his phone.

"you are such an idiot," i told him. before he could reply, i grabbed his face inbetween my hands and placed my lips onto his. it felt so familiar, and so amazing.

"i'm sorry. i should have told you, but you were mad at me and you wouldn't have believed me anyways and you know it. i am so sorry, alli," he whispered.

"i went a year without you, kian. do you know how hard it was, and how hard i tried to convince myself that i was okay? it sucked," i told him. he hugged me tightly, his breaths heavy in my ear.

"i never stopped loving you, and i never will. you will always be the girl i want to be with forever. i want to have more kids with you and grow old with you. i just want you," he whispered. i pressed my lips to his again.

"i was hoping you would say that because i am still dangerously in love with you." he smiled, hugging me once more.

"does this mean you guys are going to come back to california?" he asked. i sighed, shrugging my shoulders.

"can i really just pick up and leave new york, like nothing? i don't know, kian," i sighed. he nodded, grabbing my hand.

"just think about it, okay? i have a year to make up for and i want to start. but, go talk to your brother. i think he thinks your a ghost or something," kian chuckled, pointing to the glass door.

i pushed myself out of the seat, and back into the house. jc was standing behind the glass door, just staring at me. i wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, hugging him -
- and grayson- tightly. he immediately wrapped his one arm around my back.

"i missed you," i whispered, still holding onto him. he kissed the top of my head.

"i missed you a whole bunch, allison. more than you will ever know," he mumbled.

"i know, i suck. i shouldn't have done that but i did and i am sorry," i replied.

i hugged him for a while longer, and for a little bit, it seemed as if i had never left. like the last time i saw him was yesterday rather than last year. jc had been separated from me for fifteen years at a time, so one year seemed like nothing for us.

i pulled away from our hug, and sat down beside grayson on the couch. he wasted no time crawling into my lap, and resting his head against my chest. i kissed the top of his head, basking in the glory of what has happened in the last hour.

"hey buddy, i have a question for you, okay? how would you feel about moving here? we would be closer to daddy and uncle jc, and it is never cold here, either." he furrowed his tiny eyebrows in thought, which is definitely a trait he learned from me.

"okay, mommy. i no like the cold," he replied, fake shivering for effect. i pulled him into a tight hug, repeatedly kissing his head.

"mommy will think about it, and then i'll tell you what's going on later, okay?" he nodded, cuddling closer into my chest.

in all reality, i had no idea what i was going to do. as much as i wanted to run back to kian and my old life, i had spent the last year living a completely new life. i had no idea how to throw away everything that's happened to me in the last year, but i knew what i wanted. and that was kian, and jc and all of our friends. despite how messy things truly were.


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