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kian and i sat around the small cafe we went to every sunday. jc agreed to watch grayson once a week until the baby came so kian and i could get some alone time. once the baby came, there would be no time to do this.

he held my hand tightly over the table, my ring shining brightly in the sun reflecting through the window. we patiently waited for our food to arrive, which was taking a lot longer than normal. he smiled down at my stomach, where my hand rested. she was kicking like crazy today, making my stomach hurt more than normal.

"it's hard to believe our little baby will be here in less than a month. i'm so excited baby," kian smiled, taking a drink from his coffee mug. i nodded, gripping his hand. "what's wrong?"

"nothing, she's just kicking a lot. i think she wants to be a soccer player when she grows up," i joked, rubbing my thumb over the back of his hand. he smiled back at me, shaking his head at my corny joke.

we sat silently for a while, just scrolling through our phones. our food was taking such a long time, and i was starting to get impatient. i groaned, kicking kian's legs childishly under the table.

"i love you, but i'm gonna have to cancel our marriage if you continue to kick me," he told me, dropping my hand. i rolled my eyes, rubbing both of my hands over my aching stomach. i never carried a baby full term before, so i never knew what i was like to walk around being this big before. and to be completely honest, it sucked.

i sucked in a sharp breath, resting my hands at the very bottom of my stomach. a sharp pain went the whole way across my stomach, and a wetness covered the booth i was sitting in, and all over my grey dress.

"kian," i told him. he fake ignored me, trying to act mad at me. "kian robert, if you don't look at me, you're daughter will be born in a cafe," i shouted. his eyes widened. "my water broke."

he hurried to my side of the table, just as the waitress came back with our food. she took one look at my wet dress, and made room for us to pass. so much for my pancakes and bacon. random strangers mumbled congratulations to us as kian ushered me out the front door.

he took his time driving to the hospital, being careful over every single bump. i felt pretty good now, but i knew i wouldn't in a few hours. he helped me into the emergency room, quickly telling the woman behind the desk that i was in labor.

they wheeled me into a room, helping me into a gown and proceeding to hook me up to all sorts of machines. dr. karev entered the room, smiling when he saw it was me. he hugged me briefly, and then went and checked all of the machines.

over the next few hours, the pain got increasingly worse. it went from a dull aching pain to feeling like someone was constantly stabbing a knife through my uterus. it hurt like crazy, and there was nothing kian could do for me. and i knew he hated that.

dr.karev came in, and administered the epidural i practically begged him to give to me. i initially said i didn't want one, and told him not to give me one. but after a few hours, there was no way i could bare anymore of this.

"okay allison, are you ready to push? you're at ten centimeter," he told me, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. i nodded rapidly, just wanting to get this over with so i could see my baby.

i held kian's hand, squeezing the life out of it. when he told me to squeeze when it hurts, i don't think he knew he would practically lose all blood flow. multiple screams and profanities left my mouth for the entire three hours it took me to deliver her. but when i heard her tiny screams, nothing mattered. all of the pain got washed away.

they whisked her away to do her apgar scale and make sure everything was okay. i held my legs into the stirrups, waiting for the afterbirth to be done. i just wanted this whole process to be completely over with.

after the placenta was delivered, they wheeled me to the recovery room for me to rest before they brought her in. kian laid down next to me, whispering about how great i did and running his hands down my back. i fell asleep the same way i woke up, in the same position with the same hands running down my back.

"glad to see you're awake, baby," he smiled, placing a soft kiss to my lips. i nodded, wrapping my arms around him. "i love you so much."

"i love you too, kian. forever and always," i smiled. he nodded, planting several short kisses to my forehead before going to tell the nurse i was awake.

in a few minutes, they wheeled my baby girl through the door, and my heart melted. kian held her first, kissing her forehead repeatedly as he had done to me minutes before. he was so in love with her already it was beautiful.

he handed her to me, and i cradled her close to my chest. her eyes hadn't completely opened yet, but i could already tell she was beautiful. kian wrapped his arm around my shoulder, looking down at the two of us. i bent by head down to hers, letting my lips linger on her forehead.

"your daddy is going to treat you so well, that you will never settle for anybody less than him. and you are going to love every second of it, because he is truly a blessing," i whispered, even though she didn't understand. but she would some day.


you guys hate me because this was the last chapter. there will be a few bonus chapter though, so it's not completely over yet.

i am so sad because i love this book so much omfg. but please vote and comment xoxo

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