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"grayson, please just put your coat on so we can leave," i whined, chasing my almost two year old son around our apartment. he thought it was a game, but i surely wasn't having any fun. "gray, if you don't put your coat on now, santa won't bring you anything for christmas this year because you'll be on his naughty list,"i told him. he stopped almost instantly.

he ran to my legs, slipping his tiny arms into his jacket. i hummed in satisfaction as i scooped him up into my arms. we quickly made our way outside into the chilly new york air. although it was december, it was still warmer than usual.

i promised grayson that i would take him out today, considering the rest of the week was spent inside. i couldn't say no to his little face, and it would do me some good to get out of the apartment for a change.

as we were walking down the streets, they were packed. considering it was extremely close to christmas, people were scrambling to finish their shopping. i had already finished shopping for grayson, and i even bought something for jc. i wouldn't be able to give it to him, but i had things saved up from various holidays to give to him if i ever saw him again.

after about ten minutes of walking, grayson and i finally got to our favorite park. he quickly ran to one of the swings, silently waiting for me to push him.i rushed over, giving him a push that sent him as high as a protective mommy would let her son go.

i helped him down every slide, and pushed him on every swing until it was time for us to leave. there were so many protests from such a little boy, but i could tell he was getting sleepy.

we stopped at a small cafe to grab something to eat. i got him some mac and cheese, and got a salad for myself. grayson was too caught up in his food to notice my change in mood. i felt uneasy and nervous, almost like someone was watching me. but in such a big city, it was easy to get paranoid.

we finished up rather quickly, and headed back to the apartment. i ignored the weird feeling in my stomach, and laid grayson down for a nap. he was exhausted and starting to get grumpy.

after he was laid down, i headed out to my computer to write a blog post to upload later tonight. i decided to write about the things i learned and how being a single mother has impacted my life. i was really excited to upload it, and was almost halfway done.

being a single mother has changed my entire outlook on life, and made me more confident as a person. i always thought being a single mother was the worst case scenario, but it really isn't. it has given me a sense of independence that i could never achieve with the help of another parent. although it can be stressful at times, i would never give up my son for anything in the entire world. sometimes i wish i had someone to help me when he cries at four in the morning because he had a bad dream. but i would never want anyone to take my job as snot wiper, diaper changer, and boo-boo kisser.

when i was almost done writing, i got a knock on the front door. i was hoping it was the last of the christmas presents i had ordered. when i looked through the peephole, i could not have been more wrong in my hopes. i put the chain lock on as quietly as i could, and locked grayson's door.

when i got into my room, i pulled out my cellphone and called the police. i explained to them what was happening, and they said they would send people immediately. i stayed on the line with the operator while police were on their way. that's how she knew an ambulance would be needed as well.

i wasn't sure how he managed to do it, but he was able to get through the front door, even with the chain lock on. i wasn't sure i wanted to know either. he didn't say anything, just grabbed at my throat.

i didn't expect any differently, but it didn't make it any easier. i still couldn't breathe, and i was still bawling my eyes out. when i started crying, he grabbed my hair and hit my head against the wall. blood trickled into my eye, as he ripped my head backwards by my hair.

i can't remember ever being as dizzy as i was ever in my life. i loved merry-go-rounds when i was little, and those didn't make me as dizzy as i was. it was crazy how losing so much blood made everything seem like it was spinning.

i heard the police come in, and yell at him to get off of me. but everything was so fuzzy at this point, i couldn't even remember anything. he didn't get off of me, so they shot him. i do remember how heavy his body was as it fell on me. the police pulled him off of me, and helped me onto the stretcher. another one came out carrying grayson.

"i want dr.karev, please. i don't want any other doctor working on me, only him," i mumbled. they talked to me a little bit, but i don't remember any of it.

everything seemed to be a blur after i got on the stretcher. it seemed almost irrelevant, anything else that happened. and then, everything went black.


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