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one week later, parker and i started dating. kian and jc were pissed when they found out. but i didn't care.

one month later, i'm not so sure if i was right. parker was sweet at first, but everything has changed. his compassion has been replaced by anger.

i was sitting on the couch watching a movie with kian. even though he was mad at me, he still was my best friend.

"do you wanna go out? do something instead of sitting here all day?" i nodded, grabbing my shoes from beside the couch.

he got into the driver seat, and quickly turned the car on. he turned into a frozen yogurt shop and parked. he ran around to my side to open the door.

he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling my small body towards his chest. kian was my rock, i talked to him about everything. well, everything except parker.

he was a great listener, and a great friend. i don't even know what i would do without him. he's helped to keep me sane with everything going on between my relationships with people, school, and my overall well being.

"how's school going?" kian asked, putting a spoonful of his frozen yogurt in his mouth. i smiled.

"really well. i think i'm gonna be done earlier than planned," i replied. i was really excited to start my life out of school.

kian was mostly very supportive of my decisions. and he always tried to be happy for me. we finished up at the frozen yogurt shop, and headed home. we were at the shop for longer than expected.

we had just sat back down on the couch when the doorbell rang. i opened the door, parker standing on the other side. i smiled.

he grabbed my hand, pulling me up to my room. he looked agitated. he closed the door, standing right in front of me.

"why did you go on a date with kian today? i saw him hug you, and cuddle you, and make you laugh. why? are you cheating on me?" he asked. he was furious.

"no! kian is my best friend. we just needed a day to be together," i added. he rolled his eyes, balling his fists at his sides.

"don't lie to me! i watched you guys!" he yelled, grabbing my arms. i rolled my eyes. this was ridiculous.

"i'm not lying to you. you're being pathetic," i retorted. he kicked my knees out, punching me right in the nose.

there was so much blood on the floor. i couldn't even count the amount of times he had hit me. but i couldn't scream. i started to bang on the floor, praying that kian or jc or anybody would hear me. i didn't even know who was home at this point.

i kept banging my fists against the hardwood floor, watching the blood pool around me. nobody was coming.

nobody was here to save me. i was going to die and there was nothing i could do about it. parker was going to beat me to death. it only took a few more punches before i started to get drowsy.

"don't let it happen again," he spat, walking out my bedroom door. i couldn't move. my eyes were so heavy, i was struggling to keep them open.

once the front door slammed, there were feet pounding up the stairs. then against the hardwood of the upstairs floor.

"alli?" kian yelled. i moaned in response, my body hidden behind the door.

he ran into the room, his back to me. i moaned again. he quickly turned around, his face completely shocked.

"alli. shit," he whispered, pulling out his phone. "my friend just got beat up really bad, and she's bleeding a lot. please send help," he cried. he told them the address before going to grab some towels.

"jc, come home now. no, alli is hurt really bad. i don't want to tell you over the phone. jc, please. fine, it was parker." they exchanged goodbyes before he hung up.

he kneeled down, not caring that his jeans were soaked with my blood. he pushed the towels all around my face to clean up at least some of the blood.

"please don't leave me. i can't live without you," he whispered, soaking up more blood. i grabbed his hand as best as i could.

the ambulance and jc arrived around the same time. he sprinted into the room, holding in his tears as he kneeled by me.

the paramedics lifted me onto the stretcher, quickly slipping me into the ambulance. jc hopped in behind me, while kian took his own car.

"where am i?" i mumbled, finally finding my voice. the heart monitor beside me quickly picked up, and died down suddenly.

"we're on our way to the hospital, do you remember what happened to you?" he asked, shining a pen light into my eyes. i shook my head.

"im dizzy," i whsipered, shivering. he grabbed a blanket from one of the cabinets, wrapping it tightly around me.

i went to sit up, but he pushed me down lightly. i lifted my head up slightly, throwing up onto my chest. it was completely blood.

"she's going into hypovolemic shock, how much longer?" he yelled, pressing another blanket over me.

the ambulance quickly halted to a stop, the back doors flying open. the stretcher was being pulled out of the back doors.

"female victim, 17, blunt trauma to the face and abdominal cavity. pulse is weak, internal bleeding, and she went into hypovolemic shock in the ambulance," he told the doctors. i threw up once again, the blood covering my chin and throat. i closed my eyes tightly, not daring to open them.

"we need to get her to surgery now," one of the male doctors told the rest. they took me to the OR not even bothering to change me into a hospital gown.

they pushed me in, quickly washing their hands and putting their gowns on. one of the men stood above me. "10 blade," he told one of the nurses. my breath stopped, and the heart monitor beside me went crazy.

"wait, stop," one yelled. the blade was right above my stomach. "she's not unconcious," he breathed . pain surged through my body, making me scream in pain.

"get dr.thomas in here now. tell him to hurry," he told one of the nurses. "hey, hey, what's your name?" he asked.

"allison. i need to get out of here. my parents are worried," i mumbled. a doctor came running through the door.

the male doctor grabbed my hand, and that was the last thing i remembered before i went out.


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