Chapter 20

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~ Previously on I Love You Too ~

I pulled into the parking lot of Marcus and I's apartment complex and just sat there. "Let me ask you a question."

Troy started laughing on the other end of the phone. I got out the car and started walking towards the stairs. "Yeah, ok. You're crazy, ha sure."

I started to walk up the second flight of stairs and pulled out the key to unlock the door. "Boy, whatever you just made because Jared got that ass over there whipped." I made the whipping sound with my mouth.

"Mm and you talk about me being whipped. You know you going over there to get you some dick." He started laughing. "Boy, whatever you just mad because--. "I stopped mid-sentence when I laid eyes on Marcus. Bear chest with blue and black plaid striped underwear on and some white socks

"Mm, baby are you coming back to bed." Marcus stepped out of the way to reveal a girl standing in the doorway, of the hallway that leads towards the bedrooms. Just then, there were a sea of emotions that washed over me: hatred, anger, confusion, even sadness, so many emotions that I didn't know what to do.

My eyes landed on her; she was rubbing her eyes which lead me to believe she spent the night here. I shifted my eyes from her to him, back to her; finally landing back on him. "Who is she?" He started to scratch the back of his head "Um," I frowned up my face and shifted my weight and placed my hand on my hip. "Who the fuck is shit, Marcus." I pointed at the ho that was still standing there like she didn't have shit else better to do. "Marcus who is he? Is he your brother or something?" I turned my attention to her. "No bitch I'm his husband." Once again, I turned back towards Marcus. "She. Um." I cut him off before he could even finish.

"Lie if you mother fucking want to Marcus. Now I'm gone ask you this shit again. Who the fuck is the ho." Her eyes grew big as if though she didn't know ha name. "Ho, who the fuck you talking to?" oh so this bitch getting buck. I started moving closer to her. "I'm fucking talking to you. You stank pussy ass ho." Before I could even smack the shit out of her Marcus grabbed me by my waist and pulled me away. "So, this what we doing huh? So, while I leave to get myself together and think about us like you were supposed to. You're dumbass over here fucking other people." I looked over at her, then back to him.

"I mean if you gone fuck around at least let it be with somebody who looks like they got some good pussy. Hell, this bitch doesn't even look like her pussy tight." She started to pull her hair up in a ponytail. "I know you not talking to me your ugly ass mother fucker. Don't get mad because you couldn't keep your man." I frowned up my face and tilted my head to the side. "Bitch don't get your ass handed to you bitch." She stopped hugging the wall and started to come charging at me. "You ain't gone do shit." Before I know it, I started running at this bitch and I was on top of her beating the breaks off this bitch. "Bitch. You. Stupid ass ho. Who. You. Talking. Too." I was swinging from left to right, throwing combo punches and everything. Her nose started gushing blood and her eye started swelling up and discharging. Marcus came up behind me and pulled me off her, then before I know it I started swinging at him.

"Get the fuck off me, Marcus." I somehow managed to break away from his grip; he stumbled back. I was breathing very heavy and all I could do was look at him. "Don't you ever fucking talk to me ever again." I started heading for the door, grabbing my car keys and my massager bag I was practically running for the door. "Valentine wait!" was all I could hear behind me. Marcus somehow caught up with me and grabbed me by my wrist. I pulled away and then started swinging at him he pinned me up against the wall. We were chest to chest my hands being overpowered by his, taking his knee and spread open my legs, so I couldn't knee his ass in his fucking nuts. He started kissing on my neck, but I kept moving.

I was so pissed off that I could feel my blood pumping through my veins, boiling to a never lasting end. My hands began to shake and tears began to form in my eyes and fall from my cheeks; hot and steamy. "Marcus get off me!" I screamed at him, but he didn't budge. I started to move my legs, finally getting my right leg free I kicked his in his nuts, making him fall to his knees. I raised my right fist and pushed the shit out of him twice. Once in his nose and once in his lip. Blood started running from his lip, but mostly from his nose my breathing started getting worse and I could barely even form words. I took off the ring and threw it at him, hitting him in his chest. "Don't. You. Ever. Talk. To. Me. Again." Was all I could say before taking off down the stairs leaving him lying there on the floor. I got in my car, turning on the engine and driving off. I left the apartment complex and just started driving, where I went I didn't care. All I know was that I couldn't stop, before long I was in the middle of a field. I turned off the car placed my head on the stearin wheel and started crying.

"Why god. Why me. What did I ever do wrong in life to deserve this stupid shit."

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