Chapter 16

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~ Troy POV ~

I can't fucking stand stupid ass people. Like its one thing to not know something because there's always something in the world we don't know. But its another to not want to know, you get what I'm saying. Like, OK, when Jared's father died he left the company for him to run, but he was in his 4th year of college or 3rd year whatever that isnt the point. His father died sometime during him being in college, so he entrusted him with the company.

Know I love my husband and all (ooh now presenting Mr. And Mr. Troy and Jared Jackson. Dum domdeom, dum dumem, dum. . . sidetracked), but he is not a Fortune 500 company runner. The only thing that he knows how to do is run a ball up and down a field, run his mouth (which gets him in trouble every time), or run his dick up in this bussy, which I mean really isn't a bad thing. Because when he mad and he takes his frustrations out in me baby or when I won't shut up (a.k.a I want dick and you gone give it to me now argument. My bottoms y'all know what I'm saying. Hey in my Nikki Parker voice.) Lawrd. But that's neither here nor there; what was I saying?

Oh yeah, but no and reluctantly his father knew that or I'm going to assume he did or otherwise we wouldn't have had the conversation we'd had. Before his father died I went to go visit him at the hospital it might have been like four days maybe a week before he passed away that we talked. I really don't remember what we talked about all I know is; No. We were talking about Jared and him going to play pro his father wanted him to play pro, really, he wanted him to go all the way. "Make sure my son has a backup plan. You know how clumsy he is. He'll probably be walking down some stairs and end up falling down twelve flights of them." That is one thing I will say no matter how sick his father got he always managed to lighten up the situation. So, I did. I made sure that if anything were to happen to him (knock on wood) that he'd have something to fall back on. His father however didn't really see Jared running the company and on some level, I could see why, but it is a family company something that he built from the ground up, so why not try and keep it in the family.

Which is why I'm here, well running the company anyways.

"Troy?" Mr. Jackson said. "Yes, Mr. Jackson?" He let out a soft chuckle. "Please call me Mason, dad, or old man. I mean we are going to be family, Whether I'm dead or alive." He started coughing but tried to laugh through it to hide it. "Please Mr... I mean old man." Now I had to laugh even on that one. "You need to rest." He started coughing some more he was struggling trying to sit up in the bed. I walked on the side of him, so I could help him up. "I'm tired of resting. Hell, that's all I do in this damn hellhole of a hospital is rest. Do me a favor son, when the bury me tell them I said to bury me on my stomach so my ass could get some damn rest." I let out a soft chuckle and smiled. "Ok,"

"I also want you to do me another favor as well." I started fluffing up the pillows behind him so that his back wouldn't hurt as much. He grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eye, his grayish- greens eyes had a sense of seriousness in them. "What is it?" I said still placing pillows behind him. "I want you to take over the company for me." I was getting ready to say something, but he held up his hand before I could speak. "I want you to take it over. Both you and I know that Jared is not a good fit for the company. Not to say he wouldn't make a good business man its just that I just don't see him doing that. His passion is for football and that's where all his focus needs to be. I want to make sure my company is going to be in good hands and that everything runs just as though I never died and left this earth do you understand me." I shook my head in agreement. "I want to make sure that everything goes smoothly and everything is running with an iron fist. If you feel as though people need to be moved around, then do it. If you feel as though theres someone in the company who is no good, remove them. Ok?" I shook my head once more. "Please do an old man that last favor. My secretary Elizabeth will walk you through everything." I frowned up my face at him. "Oh, so you'd just assumed Id take over the company?" He started laughing "I knew you would." there was a knocking at the door then the nurse came in to give him his meds to help with the radiation treatment they had done early in the week.

like this dude, I don't know what his problem is, but I really don't want to have to fire anyone (which doesnt mean I wont do it), but his remarks whenever were in a meeting are borderline stupid and not professional at all. I looked down at the pink lip that I had sitting in front of me. "Are you going to fire him?" Elizabeth came into my office (well the old man's office) and stood by the door. "Huh?" She's had a folder in her hand and she pointed to the slip of paper that was sitting in front of me. "The pink slip. Are you going to fire him?" I looked down at the paper and then shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know yet. I'm still thinking." Elizabeth frowned up her face at me. "What is there to think about? The things he says or inappropriate, disrespectful, and just plain stupid." I lowered my head and started smiling. "I can always count on you to make things better." she started smiling and walked towards the desk. "Well, somebodies got to do it. You were started to look peal. White doesnt look good on someone who has a great bone structure like yours. Here" she handed me the manila envelope.

"What is it?" I took it from her hands and opened it up. "It's some new drawing from the level design team, they want to propose some new ideas and sketches for something I don't remember. And theres a contract in there from Sony, they want to do a collaboration on a new game and they want us to be a part of it." I could always count on her to look through stuff and see if it was worth my time. "Anything else?" I started looking through the drawings some of them were neat and cool ideas, just might have the call a department meeting. "Jared said he wont be home. Something about coach called him to talk about something to do with his image I don't know." I stopped cold, frowning up my face I turned my head towards her. "Image?" I threw her hands up as if to say I surrender.

"I don't know that what he said." I grabbed the phone and started to dial his number. "Ok, then you." she walked out the door.

"Hello," He said in a hushed tone. "Image, what the hell does that mean and why wont you be home?" I tried not to be loud, as though somebody would hear me. "I cant talk right now, but coach wants me to go to middles school and stuff and talk to the kids and be a role model and stuff. I cant talk right now baby I got to go." And with that, he hung up the phone and ended the phone call. I just simply rolled my eyes and cursed underneath my break.

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