Chapter 4

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~ Troy POV ~

Kendra and I were laughing like old times and enjoying ourselves like we use to. I miss this; this actually might be the only thing that I miss from high school. Talking to my friends and having a good ass time, we got us a couple of drinks from the bar. She got a wine cooler while I was drinking something a little harder for my taste of liking.

"Girl I really have to ask"


"Girl how have you been over these past years and don't lie because we've been fucking with each other for how long?"

"Bitch I've been good I really have. I think after high school people really start to find out who they really are. Now there are some who are still trying to find themselves Kirk for example" we both turned our heads to him and just looked at him stumble over his drunken self.

"Bitch what happened to him? He had so much going for him other than we think and still do, that he's DL, but you know no tea no shade there" we both took a sip of our drinks.

"Right, but bitch what about you and Jared? I know him being the first openly gay in the football game is a big pill to take in. But the key word to what I said the first "open gay" in the game, but no tea no shade there" I took in and deep breath and sighed.

"Bitch it was something at first. The football team was treating him like shit at first; like when he got drafted and he told them they was bashing him throwing low blows here and there. Throwing they little shade here and there like he would just come home some days and just cry, because I know I came home from school one day and found him in the bathroom crying like he was just flat out crying. I mean, don't get me wrong, he knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he didn't think it was going to be something like this either"

"Awe well what did you do, because I know you did something"

"Bitch you know me oh too well. Bitch they was fucking with my man and my dick and our money. Now you know there two things I take to heart and that's my dick and my man and bitch, I must have went in there and acted a fucking ass"

"Bitch what you do," she started laughing

"So he called in sick because he was I think he ended up getting the flu or some shit I don't remember. So I got him set up and situated and stuff, so I got in the car and drove to the practice" Kendra erupted in laughter.

"Bitch no you did!"

"The fuck I did! Bitch you not finna talk shit about my man you can say whatever the fuck you want about my me, but my man is a hell no for me. So I get good old strawberry"

"Bitch no the fuck you didn't"

For those who don't know Strawberry is my good old bat. You know, like Queen B got Hot Sauce I got Strawberry. ^-^

"Bitch I walked up in there with Strawberry on my shoulder I had my combat boots on and a white tee and some basketball shorts on. I stood in that locker room; all of them just looked at me"

"Who the fuck is you", one of the football players said on the side of me. I turned my head and looked at him with a smile on my face.

"My name is Troy I'm Jared's boyfriend"

"Oh, you the faggots boyfriend," one of the light skins nigga said and the whole locker room burst into fits of laughter.

"You know I am" I took Strawberry off my shoulder and hit the locker that was on the left side of me. Making a big huge dent in it, then I took my foot and pushed it on the floor.

"Oh, and by the way, he has a crazy ass boyfriend too" I got everybody's attention in the locker room. "Listen up you ass wholes!" my voice went from mid-tone to real deep like Berry White deep. "Let you tell you mother fuckers something. The next time that you decided to come up with some childish ass fucking stupid ass remarks this is what will happen" I held up somebody's rear view mirror.

"Oh my god my mirror" this fine built white boy said.

"I don't give a fucking damn if you don't like jarred because of his origin of sex. I could truly give a fucking fuck less, but what you will do is treat him the fucking same as if he was "one of the guys" and yes I did use air quotes. I threw the dudes mirror in the middle of the room.

"Try me and my man again and I promise you a broken mirror would be the least bit of y'alls fucking concern, trust and believe that" I placed Strawberry back on my shoulder and walked off like ain't shit happened. Kendra was dying in laughter.

"Bitch, you need some fucking help"

"Shit, I probably do, but guess what"


"They got the fucking message" we both started laughing.

"You really do love him don't you," Kendra said smiling.

"You damn right" we clink our drinks together and started laughing some more.

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