Chapter Eighteen

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For everyone asking why Victoria being kidnapped and "dead" hasn't been talked about by the media- One Direction aren't THAT famous. Their WMYB music video was released like a month ago in this story, and the media haven't picked up on them as much as they are talked about in present time, 2014.

Chapter Eighteen


"Victoria," Walter addressed me the next day when I stepped into the living room with Henry snuggled in my arms, "We need to speak to you."

I raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't question him as I took a seat next to Rhys of the couch. Elsa and Walter were sitting opposite of us on another brown leather couch, a coffee table separating us. I rocked the sleeping Henry in my arms gently as I looked Walter.

"What did you want to speak about?" I asked, keeping my voice quiet so I wouldn't wake Henry.

Walter leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. He took a deep breath before talking, "We don't have enough evidence yet to charge your father. We have some women who we need to speak too and also a fake police officer who was a friend of your fathers." Walter paused, watching me, "Therefore we had to let Richard leave the police station until we can issue a warrant for his arrest."

My mouth hung open as I looked at Walter, "D-Does that mean he's back here?" I started to shake, Henry started to stir in my arms and I held him out to Rhys to take. Once he had Henry settled in his arms, I clasped my shaking hands together and focused on breathing. Richard could come back and get me. This wasn't happening.

"Victoria, dear," Elsa spoke, "Walter has a plan to keep you, Henry and Cheryl safe from Richard until we can charge Richard."

I stood up from my seat, squeezing my hands into fists at my side, "Isn't me being there enough evidence!?" I practically shouted at Walter, even though it wasn't his fault. It was the law. "I can't believe that you can just let him go! It's not fair!"

Walter got up and placed his hands on my shoulders, soothing me. "Victoria, my fellow co-workers and I came up with a plan. We're putting you, Henry and Cheryl in hiding. Rhys will accompanying you since he has some training with the police force." Walter glanced at Rhys before averting his attention back to me, "You'll only be gone a months time. You'll be home and returned to Doncaster in no time at all."

Doncaster. I remember that town from my recent memory occurrence late last night. I couldn't let them know I remembered anything, it would only add to the problem further. They would go looking for Louis and he'd be put in danger along with me. I couldn't risk that.

So, I played it safe. I shot a confused look at Walter who realized that I had a mild concussion.

"Ah, that's right," He said, "Doncaster is your hometown. I forgot that you didn't have all of your memory back just yet."

"It should return by the time you're back home," Elsa inputted with a reassuring smile.

I nodded a thanks to her before gazing back at Walter, "So - where are we going?"

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