Chapter Six

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I don't know much about 1D's management back in 2011, but I know they were signed to Modest! so I just used that instead of specific names. Paul is their tour manager, so I can't technically say he their manager yet. 

Chapter Six

Days passed by and we spent as much time as we could visiting different attractions in Florida. Yesterday we had planned to go to Walt Disney World but the boys' got a call from their manager, instructing them to get on the earliest flight to Los Angeles.

So much for our road trip around the United States.

I sighed, pushing my purse down on the floor in-between my legs. We had boarded the plane about ten in the morning, and right now  it was just a little after one o'clock in the afternoon.

Ava nudged my arm with her elbow. "One more hour to go."

I sighed in relief. . "Thank God. I hate flying."

She grinned. "Says the girl who got on a plane to come to the states by herself."

I whacked her arm lightly in a playful manner, giving her a semi-meaningful glare. "That was a long time ago. No need to bring it up now."

"I was just-"

A plastic bag was thrusted through the opening of our two seats, and we both looked behind us to see Liam grinning at us. "Any peanuts ladies?"

Ava pushed the bag away, a disgusted look on her face. "No thanks. I'm not in the mood for any nuts."

Zayn made a face and put a hand to his mouth, laughing into his hand. "Nuts," He nudged Liam, "She said nuts."

I whacked Liam's head when he started to laugh and scowled at him. "Both of you, act your age." I scolded, sounding like their mother more than a friend. 

Ava and I had turned around so we were facing the correct way when the flight attendant strolled her cart down the aisle, glancing at Louis, Niall and Harry who were seated in front of us. Niall was busy shoving handfuls of peanuts into his mouth, while Harry was chatting to Louis about some hot flight attendant he met on his way to the restroom.

I rolled my eyes at the attendant who was ogling Harry. They were both in an animated chat, while Harry moved his hands around in a circular motion. Anyone could guess what they were talking about, except for Niall who was now questioning what that meant with a mouthful of peanuts.

I tapped Harry on the shoulder, which he quickly turned around, a loose stringy curle ended up in front of his eye before he brushed it away and sent me a grin.

"What can I do for my best mate's girlfriend on this fine lovely plane trip?" 

I smiled sweetly, forcing myself to be polite. "Can you two please shut up about the flight attendants boobs?"

Louis turned around, his cheeks tinged pink. "W-We weren't talking about that babe." He said, shifting his gaze over to harry innocently, "Right Harry?"

He Wasn't A Jerk After All (He Wasn't A Jerk #3)Where stories live. Discover now