When he says a stupid joke/pun

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Hey, sorry I haven't been updating for some reason I've been very tired lately!


Jeff The Killer

"Hey! Hey! Hey (Y/N)!" Jeff yelled.

You sighed. "What?"

"What does a cannibal do after dumping his girlfriend?"

"What?" You asked sounding irritated.

"Wipes his butt!?! Get it?" He laughed. You rolled your eyes and walked out of the room. Smile Dog grumbled and follwed you out. "Pfft... Tough crowd." He mumbled.


BEN Drowned

"What bird is like video games?" He questioned.

"I don't know?" You asked playing Halo 3.

"Ninten-dodo." He chuckled.

"... I don't get it."

 "Well... Ah screw it I will help you finish this level." He grumbled sitting you on his lap.



"Honey I have a joke." He announced.

"Can I hear it?" You asked.

 "Of course dearest." He 'smiled'. "What's the most attractive water?" You raised an eyebrow at him. "Hot water." He grinned.

"Hahaha." You laughed sarcastically.

"Do you get it?" He questioned.

"Yeah I do."


Eyeless Jack

"Hey (Y/N) what is Karate experts favourite beverage?" He asked.

"What?" You questioned while reading a book.

"Kara-tea get it?" He laughed.

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Whatever." 



"Masky no more jokes." You muttered under his breath.

Masky frowned. "One more?"

You sighed in defeat. "Ok fine."

"What did the hat say to the other hat... You stay here, I will go on a head!"

"Masky that was stupid." You grunted.

"Pfft I thought it was funny." He said before walking to the kitchen.



"W-What did the fish say when he washed up on shore?" He asked sounding excited.

"Mmm... I don't know what?"

[Editing] Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now