When he sees your new boyfriend

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Yes this is the evil idea Muhahahahah! I was exaggerating but whatever. I might not be updating for a bit I'm just upset because I found out one of my old friends committed suicide :'( but anyway here it is When he meets your new boyfriend o.O.


Jeff The Killer (A/N: In the creepypasta story I think it said that he only killed Randy and Troy but not Keith so sorry if this is wrong!)

You were walking down the street holding hands with your new boyfriend, Keith. You bumped into someone. You looked up and gasped.

"J-J-Jeff?" You stuttered.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)." He smiled sadly.

"You two know each other?" Keith asked.

"Yeah we used to be dating." Jeff scratched the back of his neck.

"Well it was nice seeing you Jeff." You smiled warmly.

He blushed. "Nice seeing you, too." He grinned. Keith glared at Jeff before kissing you. The both of you walked off and Jeff sighed.

"I'm never going to get her back."


BEN Drowned (A/N: Dark Link's scenario also has Link just letting you know!)

You were leaning your head on Link's shoulder as he looked for a game. You thought it was cute when he stuck out his tongue when he was thinking.

"(Y/N)?" He called softly.

You snapped out of your thoughts and turned to him.

"Do you want to buy A Link Between Worlds?"

You smiled and nodded your head. He returned the smile. You walked up behind the person who was talking the cashier.

"Do you have a game that can fix my ex's heart?" The man asked.

"Hold on let me check." The cashier said walking over to the computer and checking for some games.

The man turned his head and grinned.

"Oh hey (Y/N)." He greeted. You held onto Link's hand.

"Hey BEN." You said calmly trying not to spasm out for cheating on you.

"Yeah uh... Sorry for cheating on you." He apologised.

Your eye twitched. Before you did anything violent another cashier ran up to you.

"Can I help you two?" She questioned.

"We just want to buy this game." Link announced handing her the game.

"Ok that'll be $54.99." She grinned. You handed her the money before walking out. BEN let a tear fall. The other cashier came back.

"Can you also find a game that'll fix my broken heart?" BEN requested.


Slenderman (AN: I had no idea who your new boyfriend could be so sorry if you don't like it)

You were sitting with your new boyfriend in the woods, your arms swaying with the wind. A cold breeze caused you to shiver. Your boyfriend saw your state and placed a jacket over you.

[Editing] Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios Where stories live. Discover now