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Lets get right to it my lil nuggets <3
                     -Misfit xxx


*Jessie's POV*

It happened somewhere around 2 am, it was two months after I was released to go back home. I was lying on my bed with my back pressed to Nathan's chest when I had a sudden flashback...

"Get down!" Was all I heard before I saw a huge semi truck heading towards us at full speed. It was as if time slowed down when I saw a smile I recognized all too well and a mop of curly brown hair, next thing I knew the person jumped out of the truck as the front of the two vehicles collided.

I sat up quickly. It couldn't have been him. Right? He wouldn't stoop so low for someone like me, there wasn't anything that he could want from me. Was there? Nathan stirred and tried to reach out for me, but when his arm landed on the bed instead of me he opened one of his eyes.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He said in a groggy voice, rubbing one of his eyes as he propped himself up with his other arm.

"Do you remember...that night? Did you get to see who was driving that truck?" I asked as I layed back down next to him. He looked a bit more alert now and looked at me seriously.

"No, I don't remember seeing anyone," he paused "but my Aunt Sophie said she saw someone that looked like Trevor walking away when she got there." He continued. I layed there looking at the wall concentrating on the way his body felt next to mine.

"It wasn't Trevor." I state, not taking my gaze away from the ceiling.

"What do yo-" I cut him off.

"It was Jake." I spit out before he can say anything else.

"How do you know that?" He asks clearly intrigued and wide awake by now.

"When the truck was coming at us...that's when I saw him. He was smiling, and he managed to jump out of the truck...I can't remember anything else after that very well, but I know it was him." I said feeling a sudden wave of tiredness fall over me. He looked at me for a second before nodding slightly.

"Alright, go back to sleep sleepyhead, I can tell you're tired. We'll tell someone at the police station tomorrow." He said then kissed my forehead. I nodded and snuggled closer into my boyfriend.


I felt someone gently playing with my hair as I rolled over and felt warm arms tighten around me. I cuddled into the warmth and let out a small content sigh.

"Good morning sleepy head." Nathan said as I let my gaze wander up to meet his. I gave a small smile and rubbed at my eyes.

"Morning." I mumbled against his chest. Trying to conserve as much heat as I could I wrapped myself up in my half of the blankets and relished in the heat radiating off of the body next to me. 

"Lets go get some breakfast so we can go to the police station as soon as possible." He mumbled against my head as he placed a small peck to the same area. I hummed in response. I went to pull the covers off of us and rolled out of his hold then sat up and stretched my muscles with a small yawn. I rubbed my eye as I got off the bed.

"Waiiiitt." Nathan said from behind me. I felt two strong arms grab me from behind. I giggled as he wrapped his body around my torso. "You're so warm, don't get up yet." I swatted at his arms lightly.

"Natey, you were the one that said we had to get up early." I said. He grumbled from where his face was buried on the side of my stomach. I flicked his head lightly.

"We got-" I only got through half of my sentence before I was interrupted by someone slamming the door open.

"OKAY DRAMA QUEENS GET YOUR ASSES UP ITS HALF PAST NOON. WE HAVE THINGS TO DO AND PLACES TO SEE!!!!!!!!!!!" Angie barged in shouting with a bored looking Sam trudging behind her begrudgingly. 

"We're already up..." I groaned while Nathan chuckled. I nudged him with my elbow to get up, but he just stayed in his spot.

"Well you better hurry up because your brother is making pancakes." She walked out of the room, pulling Sam behind her. "I'M NOT SHARING EITHER!" She shouted as sam closed the door behind them. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Let's hurry up before they eat all the food." I said to Nathan.


We were on our way to my car, when Danny came running out of the house towards us and pulled me aside.

"Soo, tonight someone is coming over for dinner and it's important. Do you think you could stay over at Nathan's tonight?" He asked, rubbing his neck. I quirked an eyebrow and slowly nodded my head. "Thank you sosososoo much, I'll ask Sophie to bring your clothes over and anything else you want." He smiled looking relieved.

"Ok, but you're deffinetly going to tell me about this later." I said, curious about the matter.

"I will, don't worry. Be careful while driving!" He said waving me off and running back into the house. I shook my head and went into the car.

"What'd he say?" Nathan asked as I buckled up and he started the car.

"Asked if I could go over to your house, he's bringing someone over or something." I said.

"Oooooo he's gunna have some cheeky bum secks." He said giving me this oddly perverted face. I scrunched up my face in disgust.

"Ew, that's gross Nathan, he's my brother! I don't want those images in my head!!!" I groaned, putting my head in my hands. He laughed as he nudged me.

"Sorry." He said. I looked up at him from where my head was resting to see a huge cheesy grin plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat.


Nathan parked the car in front of the sheriff's office and we both got out. He walked ahead and opened the door for me.

"Chivalry is not dead." I mused looking over at him with a small smile.

We reached the receptionist and she greeted us with a smile.

"Hi there boys, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"Hi, we wanted to talk to Officer James about our case." Nathan said handing over a paper with our case number on it.

"Of course, take a seat and I'll give him a call to let him know you guys are here." She said going out to the backroom. Nathan and I headed towards the lounge chairs and sat down waiting for Officer James.

"Nathan" I pulled on Nathan's sleeve. "Do you think Jake was behind all of this? I mean, I don't think he would go to all of this trouble just to hurt me you know? Doesn't it seem kinda crazy?" I looked up at him. He brought his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close.

"Jessie, I really don't know how far he'd go, but he did slash my tires once and I think that already was going way to far. I'm not one to say that he'd go from there or if he'd back down after that, but I think we should just keep on high alert." He looked down at me and pecked my lips. Shortly after a door opened.

"Hey boys, heard you've got more news. Let's go in here to talk." Officer James said gesturing to a small empty room. We got up and went into room.


After talking to Officer James, and him promising to call us if he found something, we decided to go watch a movie.

"Nathaaaaann, I want food!" I said from the passenger seat of the car. We had just finished watching 50 shades darker and we're headed to his place.

"What do you want?" He asked turning onto another street.

"I want Chinese." I stated. I looked over to him as he rolled his eyes and turned onto the familiar street of a Chinese restaurant. I smiled brightly as we got out after he parked, hand in hand, going to get some food.

After we order to go and got our order we left for his place. Once we got there we watched a movie then went to sleep and awaited more news on our case.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING IN THE LONGEST AND FOR GIVING YOU A SHIT CHAPTER 😭😭. I honestly have no excuses and you can sacrafice me if you want. I just want to let y'all know I love you each very much and I'll try to kick writer's block in the crochina!
                  -Misfit xxx

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