Never a part of me

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Enjoy that pic up there (#kellic)
-Misfit xxxxx


*Nathan's POV*

My heart was racing, I felt like everything was closing in on me. I felt Jessie go faster and soon my house came into view.

I wasted no time in getting out of the car. I went behind the house and looked for the bat that I hid in one of the bushes, just in case I needed something to defend myself with.

"What the hell is going on Nathan?" I looked at Jessie who looked really scared. I kissed his forehead and handed him the bat. "If someone tries to hurt you, you aim for their stomach and you hit hard ok?" He nodded and grabbed the bat with both of his hands. I opened the door and was met with an eerie silence.

I walked towards the kitchen first, and then to the living room, both were empty. Jessie and I continued on, and walked upstairs, me in front. I heard muffeld screams suddenly and something break. Then I heard people arguing, then I heard the unmistakable sound of a gun clicking. On instinct I grabbed Jessie and pushed us down on the floor, me lying on top of Jessie and covering his ears. Then, a gunshot.


All I could hear was a really loud beep. "Jessie, stay behind me." I said, He nodded and I pulled him up and walked in front of him. When I tried to open the door it wouldn't let me. "It's locked. Come here." I walked down the hallway towards my room while holding Jessies hand. My anxiety is eating me alive.


*Jessies POV*

I am freaking out right now I dont know what to do, Nathan gave me a bat and told me to hit whatever tried to hurt me. I have no idea what's going on or what goes on in Nathan's life that he has to keep a bat in a bush.

I knew Nathan was worried about his aunt, and by the look on his face I knew that he loves her. I was convinced that I should help him, and I wanted to.

Suddenly I heard things breaking, and people shouting. Next thing I know Nathan has tackled me to the ground and covered my ears. The next thing I heard was a loud gun shot. I tried to calm myself down. Nathan told me to stay behind him and he pulled me up. We walked over to the door but it wouldn't open.

"It's locked, come here." He said leading me to another room. I was scared and didn't know what to do, but I followed him anyways. That's when it hit me.

I would do absolutely anything for Nathan, even if it ment putting myself in danger.

He led me to another room and opened it. "Ok, listen, you're staying in here and waiting till I come back, whatever happens you don't come out untill the police come. Ok?" He asked as he took out another bat, but this one was made out of metal.

"Wait, who says I have to stay here? No I'm going with you, I wont be able to live knowing something happened to you. There is nothing you can say to make me change my mind." He looked at me. "Jessie, please, stay here, you don't want to see what's behind thoes doors." He looked at me with pleading eyes before he went back into the closet and took out a crow bar. What is in that damn closet.

"Your right. I don't, but as long as I'm by your side I don't care what I see." He looked at me and sighed in defeat. "You're really stuborn you know thay right?" I grinned. "Yea, I know."


*Nathan's POV*

As Jessie and I approached the door I handed my bat to Jessie. I used the crowbar to open the door. The first thing I saw was my mother laying on the floor in her pool of blood, the next was my aunt lying unconscious on the floor, she had a huge black bruise on her cheek. Then I saw my dad. He was pointing the gun at my aunts head.

"STOP!" I shouted. He turned to look at me. A wicked grin came spread across his face. "Hey there Nathan, come on over here." He slurred pointing the gun at me. He was obviously drunk. I knew how to play this game.

"Hey dad..." Why call him dad, he isn't a part of me, he never was and nevet was my mom. "I bought you some more beer, it's downstairs in the kitchen." He huffed "About time you do something right." He walk, well more like stumbling, out of the room. "Don't come down, stay up there and clean this whole fucking mess up." I nodded and pulled Jessie in the room with me, after I was sure my dad was downstairs I quietly shut the door and locked it.

Just then, I heard the sound of police sirens. I could see Jessie sigh in relief, but I knew if we heard them my dad could too.

"NATHAN!!!!" Jessies eyes went wide with fear.

"What are we going to do?!?" Jessies hands suddenly started shaking violently and he started breathing irregularly. Shit, he was having an anxiety attack "N-nathan, I-I can't b-breath." I went over to him and put my arms around him. "Shhh, shh, shh. Jessie I'm gunna need you to breath, follow me." I started taking deep breaths and slowly Jessie followed me. He was still shaking, but at least he could breath.

"NATHAN?!?!?!" The doorknob started to jiggle ferociously. I looked around the room and realized we were in my parent's room. My aunt was lying near their bed, she lay there still unconscious.

"Come here." I whispered and pulled him into a closet with me at the same time my dad, or whoever that monster is, shot the doorknob. I held Jessie tightly so he wouldn't freak out.


"This is Sheriff Park from the San Diego police department! We will count to three, if you do not come out we will be forced to go in!" She said into a loudspeaker.


"shit," I heard my father say under his breath.



"THREE!" I heard the sound of wood breaking, which could only mean they broke the door.

"Mr. Rodriguez you can make this easier for everyone and turn yourself in." He smirked, then laughed.

"You can't make me!" He held the gun to his head. " The only thing I regret is sticking around." I was looking at him this whole time from a little crack in the closet. He turned to look at me and winked at me, then...... he shot himself.

The entire house was silent and I felt like everything was going in slow motion as I ran towards him. At the same time the police had barged in.

"DAD!" I screamed, but someone held me back "YOU SON OF A BITCH! I LOVED YOU SO MUCH, SO GODDAMNED MUCH!!! HOW COULD YOU." I was thrashing around, try to have the person who was holding me back let me go.

"Nathan...." Jessie put his hand on my chest. "He's gone, he's gone...." I went limp. They let me go and I fell into Jessies arms and completely broke down.

The sound of the ambulance sirens drowned me out.

"He was never a part of me."


Hey guys, Misfit here, sorry that this chapter was so short, but dont fret beautys! The next chap. will be longer!! Love you allllll!
-Misfit xxx

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