what the hell happend!?!

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Hey beautys!!! hope you guys like this chapter, shane is the guy in the picture. ( btw, samantha goes by, sam, sammy, or samantha)
-Misfit xoxo

*Jessies POV*

I was thinking about what just happend as I was driving through the driveway, when I saw a very mad Danny waiting for me in the garage.

I parked my car and got out. "Where were you?" He asked me. "I was at a party, I'm sorry I'm late." I fidget with my sleeve. "Late? Its 11:30 I told you to be back by 11:00. You're 30 minutes late!" I winced. "It was only thirty minutes." I went around and headed towards the door. "I know, I'm sorry" he hung his head, "I'm just worried, thats all." I went to go hug him, he chuckled lightly and hugged me back. I knew how hard it was for Danny to let go, and let me hang out with my friends. Ever since our parents died he became the responsible one and always looked after me. I was the last good thing he had.

"Alright lets go inside kiddo." He ruffled my hair, I frowned and looked at him. "I'm only 6 years younger than you!" I pouted. "Yea, but me being 22 and you being 16, I don't know..." He chuckled, I rolled my eyes at him. "Im gunna go up to my room, I'm kinda tired." I left to go upstairs.

I closed the door to my room once I got there, why was I feeling this way? I had so many mixed feelings from that kiss... ok, well it was more than a kiss but still. It felt... amazing, but at the same time I felt a little guilt inside of me. I felt like I was cheating my feelings, I'm still not over Jake. Why is this so hard?

I got out my phone and was about to call Angie, when I remembered, she was hammered as hell. I put it away instead and took off my shirt and jeans leaving me with my plaid boxers. I felt like there was a black hole sucking me in. I lay in bed staring at my starry ceiling. I had no idea what to do.


"ANNGGIIIEEEEEE!" I shouted into the phone as soon as she answered. "What the hell!!!!! I have a bloody hangover!!!!!" I was laughing my ass off when I heard how pisses off she was. "Hey, I really need to talk to you about something." The black hole came back. "What's wrong Jess?" She sounded worried, I guess I wasn't very good at hiding my feelings. "Meet me at our place in 10." I hung up.

I got to the little tree house in the middle of a forest that was behind my house. The day that I found out my parents died I ran into this forest, I didn't know where else to go. I remember running and running untill I couldn't run anymore and eventually stopped. I walked around for a little while untill I came into a clearing and found this little tree house. Three days later I came back home to my distraught brother and called Angie, I asked her to come over and help me 'fix' it up. I look at it now, all these buried feeling coming back out. "Still looks as crappy as when we first saw it." I smiled still looking up at it, she was right. "Come on Ang." We started climbing the makeshift ladder we had made.

"So what's wrong, and don't you dare spout bull from your mouth." She wagged a finger in my face. I swatted it away. "Jake.....Jake......I broke up with him." I was barley able to get it out before a tear made its way down my face. "Oh, honey." Angie pulled me in for a hug, she held me in her arms while stroking my hair. "why?" She wiped the tear from my face. "He was having sex with a girl. When you guys left I went to go look for him, when I found him he was kissing another girl. He took her to a room and that's when I found them." I was trying so hard to hold back the tears that were begging to fall. "Wait, what happened afterwards?" I felt the black hole get bigger. "I....um....I bumped into him as I was leaving, and....we talked......I drove him home............" She looked at me "annd?" I bit my lip.

"We kissed."

She looked at me. "Wait.......what?!?!" She looked at me in shock. I looked down at my hands. "I don't know what the hell happened, and I don't know how to feel about it. It's all so confusing." I looked back up at her. She gave me a small smile. "Go with what your gut feels, you don't need need that jackass, or should I say, Jake-ass, he didn't deserve you." We both sat there, Angie still hugging me, not letting go, and me not wanting her to let me go.


"Try this on." Sam handed Angie a skin tight dress and winked at her, she just rolled her eyes and laughed. Once Angie and I decided to get down she suggested that I go to the mall to go shopping with her and Sam. I reluctantly agreed, and by 'agreed' I mean I got dragged out of my bed and forced into a convertible buggy, as my brother was laughing his arse off.

"Hellooo!! Earth to Jessie!!!" I saw a hand waving in front of my face and I looked up and saw Sam. "Dude, I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes, what were you daydreaming about?" I shook my head and felt myself blush lightly. "Sorry." I mumbled. "It's ok, but now back to the question I've been asking you about, which dress looks better on Angie, I can't decide she looks so hawt in both of the!" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "The blue one, is this all you guys do when you're together?" As soon as I asked that, I knew what was coming. "Well..." Sam looked evilly at me "we do all sorts of things like-" I put my hands over my ears. "Lalalalalalalalala!!!! Can't hear yoouu!" Angie was in the corner cracking up, and peope turned around and we're looking at us. Angie came over and took my hands of my ears and then put her hand over Sam's mouth. "Okay, lets pay and get out of here before we get kicked out." Sam took Angie's hand off of her mouth. "Fine....urggg, you ruin everything!!!" Angie smiled at her. "I know, but you still love me." Sam smiled and took her hand. "Of course I do." She leaned in and gave her a small peck. I looked at them and remembered how much I missed being with Jake.

"Guys, I forgot I was supposed to do something today, I'll get back to you guys later, ok?" I was walking out of the store. "Are you sure?" Angie asked. "Yep. I'll see you two lovebirds later." I waved and left the store. I walked through the mall and looked at every store. They were all so similar, none of them had their own spark, each copping the other.

I found the exit after looking for it for twenty minutes, god TWENTY FRIGGIN MINUTES! Who knew. I was walking to my car, and I bump into someone, I look up, great, just my luck.

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