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Enjoy the crap chapter. Oh, and do you guys like the whole switching POV's thing, or should I just stick with one person or both?
-Misfit xxx


*Jessie's POV*

~ A week 1/2 later ~

"UGGGHHHHHH!!!! NATHAN!!!!" I screamed from the shower. So far Nathan has been staying with us for the past 11 days, and somehow he managed to finish 2 bottles of shampoo in just eleven days...... ELEVEN DAY!!!!! Who uses that much shampoo in just eleven days?!?!?!

"Yes?" I peaked my head from behind the blue shower curtain and saw him smirking at me.

"This is my second bottle of shampoo," I held it upside down. "and it's empty..... WHY THE HELL IS IT EMPTY?!?!?!" He broke out laughing.



After my cold shower I changed into a band tee, some ripped skinnies, and threw a hoodie on.

"Nathan, hurry up or else we're gunna be late!" I tried fixing my hair, but it was useless. I put a beanie on and went downstairs instead.

"Ok, ok, I'm ready to go." Nathan came running towards me. We both got in the car and drove to school.


"Ok class, today we will learn how world war....." The teacher was droning on and I honestly already knew everything in this class, but I needed to take it because it was a requirement.

"Psssssssssssst!!!" Angie whisper-shouted from next to me. It was the last class before lunch. I glanced at her.


"Have you and him done it yet?" She winked at me.

"What?" I sat there looking down at the desk blushing.

"You know, the whole-" I cut her off.

"Angie I know what 'it' is, but why would you ask that? I mean we aren't even in a relationship." I fiddled with my pencil.

"Yea, but I mean why not? Jake is a thing of the past, who cares about that idiot. Besides I don't see that you care about him anymore." I thought about what she said. She did have a point it doesn't even hurt anymore, but what if Nathan didn't like me anymore?

"I don't know Angie..... what if he doesn't like me anymore?" She scoffed and gave me the 'are you fucking kidding me' look.

"Have you not seen the way he looks at you from across the cafeteria." I gave her a wierd look.

"You look at him from across the cafeteria?" I snickered.

"No, Ugh." She rolled her eyes. "My point is, that he likes you, and you do too, but you're making it harder than it needs to be."

I sighed, she was right, but I wasn't going to admit it. She would never stop talking about it.

"Well, whatever...... it's not like he's gunna ask me on a date anytime soon anyway." I shook my head.

"What if he did?" She played with her hair.

"Yea, like he's gunna bring me a dozen roses in a tux and ask me on a date in front of the whole school." I rolled my eyes. "Come on Angie, lets be real now."

"You need a nap." I looked at her and we started laughing. Somehow the teacher was to deaf to even hear us, it also helped that we're sitting in the back.

We talked for the rest of the class untill the bell rang.


I took my tray of food and headed to the back table as Angie and Sam followed close behind.

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