Im gay.

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Hey-o! Misfit here, if u haven't figured it out yet sam is angies gf, (Sam is on the left and Angie is on the right) If you are reading my story I wanna say thanks, much love!

*Nathans POV*

I saw Jessie walk upstairs so I decided to follow him. I was around the corner when I heard him and another person arguing. I was trying to decide if I should do something or if I should just stay here, when suddenly someone bumped into me and we both fell down.

"S-sorry." Said a small voice. I stood up and looked down, It was Jessie, he had tears streaming down his face. "Hey, are you ok?" I extended my hand to help him out. He flinched, and hesitated, but took it anyways.

"Why would I tell you?" He said, standing up. I was confused.

"I'm trying to help you, come on lets go to the guestroom, its down the hall.We can talk there." I took him by the sholders and led him to the room.

"Why haven't you beaten me up yet?" He looked at me, I opened the room to the door and ushered him in.

"What are you talking about?" He sat on the bed.

"Well Josh always beats me up, so why aren't you. Aren't you guys friends?" He asked, I shook my head.

"Yes we're friends, but I don't think beating people up just because they're diffrent is ok, Its stupid." He nodded, and sniffled. "Now how 'bout you tell me what happened" I said handing him a tissue. He nodded.

"It all started when I said yes to Jake..." He continued to talk but there was something about that name that rang a bell to me. Then I remembered Jake, Jake Moure, my first boyfriend. He left me for some chick he hooked up with at a bar, and I found out shortly after when I found them having sex in his room one day when I came over. He left me heartbroken and since then I decided that I would never fall in love ever again. I continued to pay attention to Jessie.

"I s-saw him k-kissing some girl, a-and then he took h-her h-hand and led her upstairs. I opened t-the door and saw them h-having I broke up with him." He started sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm really sorry, I used to know someone named Jake, he was a jerk too." I put my hand on his sholder. "At least his last name wasn't Moure." He said trying to control his sobs. My eyes widend. I stood up and headed towards the door.

"Stay here I'll be right back." Jessie looked up.

"where are you going?" I looked back at him.

"I need to talk to someone, I'll be back." I left him there with a confused look on his face.

I heard moaning coming from one of the rooms. I didn't even bother to knock first, I just barged right into the room. I smirked when I saw Jake and the girl try to untangle themselfs from each other. "Get out." I pointed to the girl while glaring at Jake. She quickly took her clothes and left the room. I turned around and shut the door quietly.

"You miss me baby?" I turned around and saw Jake smirking at me.

"So your still playing your games aren't you?" I said.

"Hah, so Jessie told you, god that twat does not know when to shut up." He got up and started putting on his pants.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that he wont speak to anyone anymore." I was beyond furious. He was NOT going to go anywhere near Jessie.

"Shut up, the only one that isn't going to be talking anytime soon is gunna be you!" I lunged at him and punched his face. He fell down, but he got up just as quickly and threw a punch, luckly I had quick reflexes and doged his punches. I punched his face again and then grabbed him by his shit. I dragged him downstairs and through the party that was still going on even though it was 11pm.

"Don't you ever dare to come back here!" I said as I threw him on the lawn, there was a crowd around us now. He looked up at me. He had a huge black eye and his nose was bleeding.

"You haven't seen the last of me Nathan." He smirked. I walked over to him and kicked his face. He lay groaning on the grass while I went back inside.

(Minor trigger)

I opened the door to the guest room, I didn't see Jessie in there. I closed the door behind me and saw that the bathroom door was opened. I walked towards it. "Jessie-" I was shocked when I saw sitting inside the bathtub with a razor and bloody wrists.

"Please leave me alone. I'm obviously not wanted here so please let me do everyone a favor." He said. I grabbed his wrist carefully and took the razor out of his hand. I lifted him up like he weighed nothing and sat him on the bed. I went back into the bathroom knowing that Shane's parents would have a first aid kit in the guest bathroom. When I found it I took it back to Jessie.

(Minor triggers over)

"Why are you helping me?" I continued to clean up his wounds. I saw him wince.

"Sorry." I mumbled. after a while I finally decided to say it. I looked up at him, he looked so beautiful. I noticed the way his blue eyes shined in the moonlight, and the way his black hair fell across his face, and the way his rosy lips made him look so perfect. I realized I was staring so I looked down. "Lets get you home." He nodded and followed me downstairs.

"Wait, this is your car!" He chuckled. I stood there gawking at his car. It was a sleek black mustang.

"Yea, you need a ride home?" He asked.

"Its ok, I'll walk, it's only a block away." He frowned.

"Its ok, hop in." I reluctantly agreed and got in. I tried to not stare at anything, including him. Why am I even staring at him? I said I would never have feelings for anyone ever again. No, but I just think he's good looking, those aren't feelings.

"Where do you live?" He asked bring me back to the present.

"I live up the hill, I'll tell you where it is." I said.

"You can turn the radio on, I also have some disc's if you want to look through them." I looked through his disc's, even though I was a jock I didn't really like the music jocks would stereotypically like. I found a Lincon Park disc and put that in. I could tell by his smile, he liked my choice.

"Nice choice." He smiled at me, I found myself lightly blushing. Why am I blushing, I don't even like him! "Which one is your house?" I pointed at the blue two story house. He pulled into the driveway and turned off his car. We sat in silence for a little while, but it wasn't awkward, it was, nice.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked him, he turned to look at me. "Yea, anything." I took in a deep breath "Imgay" I said all in one go. It took him a while to process what I said, but after that he smiled at me. I didn't know what came over me because next thing I know I'm leaning closer to him, and he's moving closer too, when finally there was only a little gap. I looked down at his perfect lips, and I closed the gap in between us. The kiss was diffrent than I expected, It sent fireworks shooting throughout my entire body. I felt tingly all over. He deepened the kiss as he grabbed my waist. I got on top of him and ran my fingers through his perfect black hair. I bit his lips and he let out a suprised gasp. I put my tounge in his mouth and we fought for dominance. He ended up wining and he explored ever crevasse in my mouth. I started moaning when suddenly he stoped kissing me.

" need to go.....I can't be late or else my brother will freak." He said blushing. I got off him quickly. "Sorry, I, um.......sorry." I said quickly blushing hardcore. "Don't be, it wasn't bad." He smiled shyly. I got out of the car. "I'll, um, see you on monday." I said as he started his car again. "Um, yea, see you too." I smiled and gave a small wave as he backed up and drove away. Once he was out of view I smacked myself, god I was such an idiot. He just broke up with his boyfriend, not that he mattered, and he probably doesn't even like me.

I shook my head and mentaly prepared myself for what was going to happen once I stepped foot inside my house.


So hope you enjoyed that little scene, thanks for reading, and have a lovely day/night xP
-Misfit xxx

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