Danny's Story

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15 yr old Danny & 16 yr old Avan<3 xx


*12 years old*
"Get up bloody FAG!" The main leader said, everyone else around him laughed.

I looked up at him with the my other eye, since the left one has already started to close due to the huge bruse in it.

"Please, stop. I'm sorry, just stop. Please" I pleaded, but it was to no avail.

The leader squatted to my level on the floor.

"Are you gunna cry?" He laughed. "You're fucking pathetic, you know that right? You should have stayed in the closet 'dork-with'" He spat on me and got up leaving his goons to do whatever they want to me.


*15 years old*

I got up and went to school, even though I begged my mom to not let me go.

I got there before most of the students. I made sure that by freshman year of high school that no one knew I was gay, but I still got bullied for the was I dressed and looked.

Twenty minutes later the bell rang to signal the beginning of our first class. I went to mine, history, and sat in my usually seat all the way in the back.

As all the students piled in I noticed a new boy, talking to Mr.Swerch. Once everyone was seated our teacher started talking.

"Hello and good morning. Today we have a new student here. Why don't I let him present himself?" He looked over at the boy standing next to him.

"Uh, yea guys, my names Avan. I'm the new kid here, moved from Italy." He said with a bit of an accent.

All the girls were all over his accent, looks, and well...everything, and they weren't wrong. He looked like a god, annnnd, now there's a problem... I felt my jeans tighten in a certain area... and just then my luck just got better and better.

"Danny, I'm assigning you to show Avan around." Mr.Swerch said and everyone turned to look at me. I just sat in the back with my gaze down and nodded my head. Now you're probably wondering why that's so bad, well it wouldn't be, normally, if you were sure you weren't extremely attracted to the new kid, who was probably straight and was probably going to jump to the top of all the populars.

For the rest of the class I just kept my head down and tried to ignore the side whispers and jokes that people wete making about me.

Once the bell rang I tried to make a break for it and hope that Mr.Swerch had forgotten about my little 'assignment', but then again...

"Danny? Don't forget to bring Avan along with you." My teacher said from behind his desk looking at me from abovehus glasses. I internally groaned and trudged over to the new kids desk.

"Hey there, Danny, was it? I'm Avan." Avan said as he held out a hand to me, I shook his hand and he flashed me a million dollar smile that would have probably made me melt into a puddle if it wasn't for a loud voice.

"Is this idiot giving you a hard time?" The captain of the football team, Steven, said.

"Hey, you must be Steven, the captain od the football team. Im Avan, and no need to worry yourself about me, just trying to meet some new people." He said while shaking hands with him.

"I wouldn't waste my time with him, he's nothing. You can come and sit with us at lunch. Come on, I'll show you around." Steven said as he led Avan out with an arm around his shoulder.

I sighed in defeat and trudged over to my locker before being bashed into it from behind.


*6 months later*

I was being pinned to the back of the janitors door.

"If you beg, I might have mercy on you..." He whispered huskly into my ear. A shiver went down my spine.

"What if someone finds us?" I whispered back biting my lip.

"I think you're worth it." He said as he kissed me with such passion and lust.

"Avan-" He cut me off.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, no one will know."


*2 years later*

"FAG!" Steven spat on me. They found out... they all found out. He told me he would protect me. He told me no one would know.

I thought he loved me...

Those 5 words were on repeat as the entire football team kept kicking me and punching me. I didn't even have the strength to cry. I felt defeated. I was so stupid to think that he even cared about me.

Each punch and kick felt deserved, for all those times where we would sneak in kisses, and share our life goals and dreams... When we had our first date. All lies.

I lay there wishing that it would end, promising myself I would never let anyone know I was gay, I would never let anyone in again. My glasses shattered into pieces, and blood was starting to ooze from my nose as they continued to pummel me.

"Hey! leave him alone!!" A teacher yelled as the boys scattered and left me as the teacher approached me.

Then everything went black.


It wasn't until a few years later when I saw him again...


Sorry it took so long for me to write this guys :(((( but here's the next chapter!

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