Another day in hell

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Hello! Here's the next chapter in my story, hope u guys enjoy it! Oh and btw I updated chapter 1 & 2 (Danny is the dude in the pic)

*Jessies POV*

I got to school in 20 minutes. I parked the sleek black mustang and got out, only to get attacked by a girl with red hair.

"Ok, you can let go now!" I said trying to get out of her death grip.

"!" I said gasping for breath.

"Whoopsies." She let me go and smiled sweetly at me then punched my arm. "You are such a wimp." She laughed, I rolled my eyes. Sam and I have been best friends since diaper days, and the best thing about our friendship is that we're both gay.

"So, there's this party tonight, my girlfriend and I are going. You and Jake should come with us." she said.

" Nononononono, Sam, you know I absolutely hate parties." I pouted "Plus I'm probably gunna have a lot of homework to do." I said as we got to our lockers.

"Its Friday! come on!" I rubbed my neck.

"I don't know." I looked away.

"Well....I can always call Jake." She said taking her phone out.

"No....ughhhh! fine....I'll go." I said defeated, knowing that if she called Jake, he would say yes anyways. He's always been more sociable than me and he loves parties.

"Yay!!" She laughed. We were suddenly interrupted by rude laughter.

"Hey look Nathan, it's the queers!" Said Josh, one of the football players, the other guys just laughed.

I looked down at my feet feeling my hands start to shake.

The group of boys started walking towards them and the 'leader' flicked his nose. He smirked at me.

"Hey guys, think he's gunna piss himself, look at him! He's shaking like shit!"

I looked down at my hands to find that I my entire body was slightly shaking.

"Probably cause he cant stand being around the hottest guy in school." Said a blond chick as she passed by.

"What you gunna do huh? You wanna bone me?" He and his friends started laughing.

"Just leave us alone." Sam said.

He turned to look at her dead in the eye.

"What are you gunna do about it, slut." He said pushing her to the ground.

"Hey, don't touch her!" I said as I punched his face and got in front of her. He stumbled back and touched his lip which was bleeding now, and looked up at me. I didn't even realize what I had done until he grabbed me by my shirt.

"Oh your gunna pay for that fag!" He slammed me into the lockers probably brusing my back from the amount of force that he used. I tried to push him off of me but it was useless, he had an iron grip on me, he kneed my stomach, and punched my face letting me fall to the floor, then started kicking me.

"Hey! Josh, dude chill." I saw someone hold him back.

"Nathan, let go!" Josh shouted.

"Listen, we don't need you to get expelled when we are only a few days away from the nationals! Get a grip on yourself man!" Nathan said.

After that everything went black.


I opened my eyes and there was this annoying light in my eye, only to realize I was in the nurses office.

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