Be mine?

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I left for so long, don't kill me.... *hides behind pillows*


*Jessies's POV*

I snuggled up to something squishy. I opened my eyes and was met with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty." He said, his voice was husky from having just woken up. I giggled and pecked his nose.

"Morning." I was about to get up but he pulled me back down.

"Five more minutes..." He mumbled against my back, I huffed.

"I have to go pee!" I whined. He just turned around with me in his arms.

"Five more minutes..." He said and then he passed out again. I sighed and cuddled into him, knowing full well that I would be here an extra hour.


"ITS SNOWING!!!!" I screamed out and ran out stairs. Nathan came running after me with a sweater and a beanie.

"Jessie!! Put this on or else you're going back inside!" Nathan said. I huffed and stomped over to where je was. I put the things on.

"Happy?" He looked me over once causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Very." He picked me up and spun me around. I was laughing so hard. When he stopped he put me down. I was really dizy, so when I tried to walk I fell on the ground.

I heard Nathan laughing at me, and at this point enough snow has fallen. I grabbed some snow and made a snowball, I threw it at his face and he stopped laughing, as where I, was dying of laughter.

"You have just started a war you will not be able to win." I quickly jumped up and put on the best serious face I could and saluted him.

"If it's a war you want then it's a war you'll get, but first." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him, then I grabbed some more snow and threw it at his face.

"You will pay for that!" He said.

"Let the war comence!" I shouted and with that I was already running away, picking up snow as I went along. Nathan was trailing behind me, so I threw another snowball his way hitting him on his face again, my aim was so great today.

He glared at me and grabbed some snow.

"Run while you still can!" He threw a snowball and missed. I giggled and ran away. I hid behind a shed and gathered more snow. As he approached me, he slowed down. I threw a rock by some bushes. He turned around and smirked.

"Oh Jessie! Come out come out wherever you are!" He approached the bush that I threw the rock at. I snuck out from my hidding place with a lot of snowballs and ran up behind him.

"Well since you asked." He turned around and I threw all of the snow balls at him.

"AMBUSH!!" I fell down laughing. "You have just been ambushed!"

"Thanks, for stating the obvious, let's see how you like it." I got up and tried to run, but Nathan had already poured snow down my back. I yelped.

"N-nathan!!!" I growed.

"Yes Jessie?" He asked innocently.

"You're a monster..." I huffed, and sat down on the ground. He laughed.

"You're such a kid." He shook his head. I layed down and started making a snow angel. He layed down next to me and copied me.

"Hey, Jessie?" I hummed. "You know, we've know each other for quite a while now." I looked over to him to see him fidgeting with his fingers, so I took one of them into my hands. He looked over at me and smiled softly.

"Jessie will you be my boyfriend?"

I was stunned. I obviously knew the answer, but it still felt kinda surreal.

"Yesyesyes! A million times yes!" I rolled over on top of him and covered his face in kisses. He was laughing as he tried sitting up, but that was kinda impossible with me assaulting him with kisses.

"Let's get back inside, I don't wanna die from hypothermia out here." We got up and I jumped on his back.

"Let's gooo!!" He ran back into the house.


After a nice hot shower, I was laying down on the couch with my feet on Nathan's lap. We were both drinking Hot chocolate and watching Twilight.

Right in the middle of the scene where Bella was giving birth when Nathan got up.

"Nathan!!! Where are you going! You're going to miss the movie!" I paused the movie and looked over as he was putting his shoes on.

"I have to do something that I should have done a really long time ago! Just push play and I'll come back ok?" He said putting on a sweater.

"But you're wearing pijamas..." I protested. He shrugged and walked out of the door. I layed there on the couch arms crossed on my chest. I pushed play and continued watching Twilight.


I was stuffing popcorn in my mouth as I moved onto the next movie. I had completely forgotten about Nathan, then my phone rang. I picked it up, the caller ID said Nathan:3 I answered.

"Come outside." Was all he said, then he hung up. I shrugged my sholders. I got up and threw my phone on the couch and pushed pause on the movie. I put some fluffy boots on and a sweater. I stepped outside and someone immediately covered my eyes.

"What the f-" I was stopped my someone stuffing a soft fluffy thing in my mouth.

"Shhh, I put a marshmallow in your mouth, and it's me Nathan." I heard him snicker.

"Wwr r wu twaking wme?" I tried to talk with the marshmallow in my mouth.

"Shhh, just eat marshmallows..." As I finished chewing one he stuffed two more in my mouth.

After what felt like we walked for miles, he stopped.

"Ok, now please don't run away." He took his hands off. We were standing in front of Avan's restaurant. Nathan opened the door and it was absolutely beautiful inside...


Heh... don't murder me... sorry I left for so long, but school is being a pain in the arse, but I left it off in a cliffhanger so that way I'll have to come back to it...
                               - Misfit xxx

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