I'll hold you

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Here's the next chapter for you!!
-Misfit xxx


*Nathan's POV*

Jessie fell asleep on the ride back home. I picked him up and carried him over to his house. I rang the doorbell and his brother opened.

"Upstairs and take a left." Danny said. I took him up to his room. When I got there I put in his bed, careful to not wake him up. I turned to leave but a small tug on my shirt made me stop.

"Nathan, will you sleep with me?" Asked a sleepy Jessie.

"Of course." He scooted over and patted the spot next to him. I took off my jacket and shoes and got in bed with him. He cuddled into me, wraping his arms around my torso.

"Goodnight..." He mumbled. I kissed his head. "Goodnight."


I woke up next morning to the smell of something burning, I looked next to me but Jessie wasn't there. I got up and looked around his room. When I couldn't find him I went downstairs where the smell of smoke was more profound.


"Damn Danny! I told you only twenty minutes!!"

"Well I heard sixty!"

"How do you get sixty from twenty?!?!?"

I followed the voices into the kitchen where there was a huge black cloud of smoke, and Jessie and Danny were arguing. I stood there pinching my nose watching them argue.

"Well I don't know! How did I get sixty from twenty?"

"How should I know?!?! I thought you were the smart one!"

"Well what are we gunna do now?!?"

"What do you mean? You were the one who burned it!"

"You were the one who said sixty!"


I couldn't take it anymore I burst out laughing, but then choked on the smoke. They both turned to look at me.

"Oh *cough* don't mind me *cough cough* I'm just *cough* dying over here *cough cough*" I said coughing and dying.

"Danny open the window, we'll talk about this later..." Jessie handed me a glass of water.

"I don't know how you two weren't dying in there" I said once we were out of the kitchen. He shrugged.

"My dad tried cooking a lot and he would always burn whatever he tried cooking, I guess we just got used to it." He smiled sadly down at the floor.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked. His eyes lit up and he started jumping up and down.

"Let's go to carnival!!!!" He was smiling brightly up at me. How could I say no?

"To the carnival it is then!" He giggled and I picked him up bridal style which caused him to giggle more.

"Now, what did you guys burn in there?" I asked.

"A cake..." I chuckled and shook my head.

"You guys are wierd." He smiled at me.

"Yeaaa, but you love us anyways!" I laughed.

"Of course I do."


After breakfast and hearing Jessie and Danny bicker about their burnt cake I went back to my new house.

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