Who did it?

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Hey guys!! Sorry for not uploading in sooooo long, I'm a terrible human being but I'll make sure to upload more frequently!! Btw who ships #troyler?? I ship it and love it with all my soul!! Anyways enjoy dis!!
             - Misfit xxx


*Nathan's POV*

I felt my head pound as I awoke on what seemed like a hard surface and blinding lights. I started freaking out and I heard a loud series of beeps going faster and faster with each second.

As my eyes focused, I noticed that the hard surface was actually an uncomfortable bed, the blinding lights were actually celing lights, and the beeping was a heart moniter.

"Oh my god, you're awake!!" I heard from a voice next to me.

I looked over to see my aunt sophie getting up from an uncomfortable position on a chair a few feet away from me and taking her phone out to call someone.

"What happened? What am I doing here?" I said, then it all hit me. The accident.

"JESSIE!!!" I started screaming in hopes that he would hear me. "JESSIE WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE'S JESSIE?!?! JESSIE!!!" I screamed and screamed. I tried getting off of the hospital bed, but just then two male nurses came in through the door.

One of them held me down as the other one injected me with a needle that he brought out of his pocket. I felt woozy and for the second time darkness surrounded me.


When I awoke the second time, my arms were tied to the sides of the bed. I looked around and saw my aunt talking to an officer in a corner of the room.

The both turned around and saw that I was awake.

"Hey honey, how are you feeling? This is Officer James. He's going to ask you a few questions, ok?" My aunt said as she kneeled next to my bed holding one of my hands.

I nodded and the officer proceded to ask me questions. In the end I wasn't of much use since I didn't see the car that crashed into us and I blacked out after that. The officer thanked us and left shortly after.

"I have to tell you something, but you can't tell Danny." I looked at he with a confused expression. "When I arrived at the crash...I saw a body in the car, but I was only able to get a glimpse of it for a few seconds because the cars caught on fire, there was barley enough time to get you and Jessie out, but, I remember seeing a mop of brown hair, and I may be wrong, but this person looked like Trevor." She finished saying.

I took a moment to take in everything that she said. If Jake had any part in this I would make sure that he drowned in hell.

"There is no possible way that it could've been Jake, right? I mean he wouldn't go that far, to put two people's life in danger when he never really cared about Jessie, right??" I asked my aunt.

She shook her head and shrugged.

"People can do crazy things."


A few weeks later I was admitted out of the hospital. My aunt stayed with me throughout the whole time and I would visit Jessie at any chance that they let me.

When I first saw him I couldn't handle it. His beautiful face was scratched up, bruises were scattered all around his body, and he had a cast around his neck, right arm, and left leg. I felt my heart break and I had so many emotions going through my head.

As I got into the car carefully I made a plan to talk to Shane about what my aunt told me.

Shane and I were still best mates even though I haven't spent a lot of time with him. He still had my back and I had his.

When we got home, my aunt helped me up the stairs of the house she recently bought. It was nice, and small. Had a really homey feel to it. I called Shane and asked him to come by after practice. Since I haven't been at school he was the temporary captain after we had a re-vote of who should be what position. He agreed to come by as soon as he could and then we hung up.


"So you're telling me that Jake could've had something to do with it?" He asked me in a confused manner.

"Yea, but I'm not sure because I don't think that he would go to such measures just to hurt Jessie." I said. Shane nodded his head.

"I agree, but lets not rule it out, remember how he stalked you guys once when you and Jess went on a date? Who know what that creep is capable and willing to do." He said, just then my aunt came into the room with a plate of pizza rolls.

"Eat children, I worked really hard putting these in the oven and waiting for them to come out" She then winked at us and then left the room laughing. I just sat there on my bed shaking my head while Shane was trying to cover up his laugh by stuffing food in his mouth, which he ended up choking on and I started laughing while patting his back.

"Served you right." I said with a grin. He rolled his eyes at me and flicked my head.

"I could've died right here on your bed." He grumbled.

"Oh stop being such a drama queen, you're such a baby." I said, which earned another flick.

"I'm going to have to figure out what happened and we both know that." I suddenly said after we quieted down.

He nodded "I know. Which is why I am going to help you. I've already got the footage from the security cameras from the streets, we can look them over and see if the police missed soemthing."

"Thank god for you secretly being a complete tech nerd, I don't know what I'd do withou-" I was suddenly cut off my Aunt Sophie barging into my room.

"He's woken up."


I know it's a bit short but I was in a bit of a hurry and it's like 3:29am and I'm running on who-knows-what, now take dis and wait to see what happens next!! Have a lovely day or night wherever you are and stay beautiful!!
                  -Misfit xxx

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