All I can take

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Hey there guy! Ok..... sooo...... I know my chapters kinda (really) suck, but I'm not gunna stop writing this story, cuuuuuuussss, I know how bad it sucks when you can't know an ending to any story. THIS IS AN EXTRA CHAPTER TO SAY SORRY FOR NOT HAVING ONE FOR YOU GUYS LIKE A WEEK OR TWO AGO!

(Everytime I put one ~ it means time skip

Oh, something important > This chapter is a little sad, so this is my first trigger warning, I will put another when it starts, please don't read it if you can't handle it.


*Jessie's POV*

I held Nathan. I just held him. I held him as they whisked his aunt away. I held him as they pronounced his parents dead. I held him as the police tried to question us. I held him as he cried his heart out. I just held him, and didn't let him go.

"Does he have anywhere to stay tonight?" Asked Sheriff Park. I nodded my hand. She showed me a card an put it on the coffee table in the room. "Give us a call when you feel better." and then she left, leaving us alone.


It was around 5:27 pm when we left his house. We were in my car in my car right now, I was driving us to my place. He was asleep in the passenger seat with my sweater draped over him. He had tear streaks on his face; it pained me so much to see him like this, especially since I didn't get why he cried about his dad when he was a pretty crappy person.

It all hit me at once, and all of my feelings came out in one instant. My vision went white for a few seconds and when it returned there was another car headed our way, I turned the steering wheel and avoided the car just in time. I was glad there were no other cars because it happened again, but I managed to park before it happened.

Images flashed in front of my eyes.

*9 years old*

"Dad! Dad! Look at me!!" He just got home from work he was still in his suit. I grabbed his hand and showed him a new trick I learned on my longboard.

"Jessie, you're getting so much better, hold on, I'll race you to the ice-cream shop!" He grabbed his longboard and raced me. We both rode our longboards him still in his suit, and me. I won, so he bought me a sundae.

*13 years old*

"I-I didn't think she would!" I was crying as my mom held me in her arms.

"Shhh, shh, shh, it's ok baby, she didn't deserve you." She stroked my hair and rocked me back and forth while holding me.

"Why does it hurt so much though?" She chuckled.

"It's called heartbreak, and you know what helps with that?" I looked up at her.

"What?" She smiled.

"Pizza and video games." She took my hand and took me out to eat pizza and then to an arcade, we played all day.

* 14 years old*

"Mom, Dad..... I have to tell you guys something." I played with my fingers as I look at the table, we were in the kitchen eating dinner. I heard Danny cough, he was 20 years old. I looked up at him and he nodded. He was the only one that knew. I nodded back and swallowed.

"Mom, Dad" I said a little bit more confidently. "I need to tell you something." They both looked my way, they had worried looks on their faces.

" I'm gay."

They both looked at me in shock. Danny reached under the table and held my hand. He gave it a light squeeze, I gave him a thankful look.

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