Chatper 18: the curtain rises

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The overture blared through the speakers and that's when it hit her. She was no longer in her dorm room imagining this. She wasn't studying for some spy exam with her head buds in. She wasn't bootlegging this. She was in newsies. Katie just got into a giggle fit and Melissa looked at her raising an eyebrow.

"Katie? What on gods green earth...." "It just hit her." A familiar voice said. She looked up. It was Ethan. "What?" "She just realized that she's about to have her dreams come true" he sat on the counter and watched katie. She blushed and bit her lip and nodded. Ethan laughed softly "I knew it!" She rolled her eyes "we get it Ethan you're smart." He laughed "now come give me a break a leg hug" he ran and hugged her smiling. "You are gonna rock it tonight little Les." "Well YIU are gonna rock it too Sniper and smalls and....' She laughed as he started to name all her parts "geez YIU know my track better than I do." She teased. He shrugged "I know everyone's track. I am practically a gender fluid swing."

Meredith spit her water everywhere at that and died of laugher. All three of them were laughing and suddenly an annoyingly familiar voice came through the intercom "quiet back stage." Katie rolled her eyes and pressed the button "josh shut up and get to places. You go on soon." "Naw katie relax dan hasn't even started singing yet. I've got awhile." "Stephanie will murder you if YIU are late for your cue." He roles his eyes "I'll be fine." "Mhm whatever prince bacon." He just laughed "hey break a leg loser." "You too bacon boy."

She turned around and saw Ethan laughing  "what is so funny?" "Didn't think nuns were allowed to date." He teased and she blushed "w-wha-...I don't....I'm not...were not..... This is a costume Ethan calm down!" She plopped down flabbergasted. Now Ethan and Meredith were dying of laugher and katie was blushing hard.

"I should get ready I go on soon" she then took off out of the room. "How long does she have till the nuns go on?" He asked Meredith. "A song and a half and not to mention amino scene in between." She laughed and Ethan did too.

Katie walked down the hall to backstage not paying attention and ran right into the  man in the yellow hat from curious George and fell her habit falling off even though it was pined down. She gasped but didn't make any other sounds. The man turned around and gasped.

"JOSH!!" She whisper yelled. Josh giggled and helped her up "hey you ran into me you can't get mad at me." He whispered back and she rolled her eyes. Carrying the banner started to play and the two walked back stage. She walked to the back so she could easily get on Ceyoncé, that's the third towers nickname, get still be able to see josh walk on. She blushed as the part came when he made his entrance yet was scared. The way he played Darcy was like a less scary version of the man josh was outside. She gulped.

"For crying out loud Katie will you just ask him out?!?" She jumped at the whisper yelled voice. It was her friend Syd who was a crewsie. He. Also was undercover for this mission. He was one of the people who would be giving her a weapon on the way to stage door. He was really nice. "I have no idea what you are talking about Syd." "Yeah sure whatever. If YIU don't stop drooling over the lanky banana you are going to miss your cue." He wacked her butt teasingly with his flashlight. She yelped and glared at him.  He just laughed and walked away. She sighed and watched josh walk off and her eyes got big she was gonna be late. She made it right onto Ceyoncé as the tower began to move.

The show went by fast and soon sieze the day ended and she ran off stage during the fight. She wasn't in the fight scene and it made her cry but she got to watch it and she laughed at the dork that was josh BURRAGE as he is carted offstage butt I'm the air. She sat on a stool offstage and watched as Dan sang Santa Fe. She didn't notice that josh and BEN walked right passed her. He didn't even look her way.

At intermission she went to the guys dressing room to look for him but they said he was coming to find her. She looked for him but he was missing. Suddenly Syd came to her and pulled her into a supply closet

"I have a lead." He whispered "you do? So do I!" "He's on crew." She frowned "on crew?" "Yes." He responded "his name is John Smith." "Okay that's obviously a fake name." "I KNOW RIGHT??" She put a hand over his mouth "keep it down!" She whisper yelled "right sorry....but anyway ever since tech week he's been really weird and constantly taking phone calls and he was outside earlier looking around the entrance and he's just really suspicious. Also I looked  into him he has changed identities before and his old identity had a criminal record!"

"Holy cow he must be it then!! This John smith must be our murderer!!" "Shush katie someone will hear you!" He whisper yelled and she sighed. "Keep an eye on him alright?" She said to him "DOMT let him out till after stage door." He saluted her and she rolled her eyes "I'm not captain you don't need to salute" "no but katie this is /your/ mission. So YIU are in charge. You're like the Jack Kelly of the mission" he winked and she blushed.

She then left the closet with him and were face to face with Demarius. Her eyes got big and his bit big "what the-" "it's not what you think!!!" "Hey look I ain't judging who you make out with at intermission katie that ain't my business." He walked away hands up shaking his head me Katie went red and Syd was laughing. She glared at him and he laughed harder. She huffed and walked off and saw Ethan and turner. "Turner what are you doing back here I thought you were watching." "I am but I was bored so it texted Ethan and came back." "Ah." "Well I should head out. Later." He turned and left and Ethan turned to katie "we need to talk."

She rolled her eyes "and what are we talking about?" She laughed softly "Joshua BURRAGE." Her face turned pink "ummmm why?" "That's why. Your face." She raised am eyebrow "all I did was say his name and you're blushing like an idiot" she blushed redder "n-no I don't. I mean no I'm not. I'm not blushing" "katie YIU would get confuse for a tomato at the supermarket." She groaned and pushed him playfully and walked to the dressing room and eat ham followed

"If I wasn't in my sling for act two I'd slap you because you missy are in denial." "Shush" she blushed and he rolled his eyes "YIU are bad at hiding it. And man Yiure an actress you'd think you'd be better at hiding your emotions." He teased and katie was HAPOY NOONE else was in the room. "Ethan YIU are young you don't understand." "Honey listen I understand plenty." She laughed softly "do you now?" "Yup."

"Well what do you understand oh knower of knowledge?" "Josh digs you." "Huh?" "YIU like josh. Josh liked you. I ship it." "YIU ship it do YIU?" "Yup and if you two don't become cannon I'm gonna have to write some weird crack ship fan fiction about you two." She laughed "gosh you sound like Mel's. She always threatens to write a fanfic of us." "She should she's a good writer." Katie rolled her eyes and was about to say something when the words were heard over the intercom

"Places for Act 2. Places for act 2."

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