Jock! PaperJam x Reader

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Requested by: CandeyEarth

Hope you'll enjoy!

You often sat alone at lunch or all the time actually. People always gave you weird looks. You didn't belong by the nerds, emos or the jocks. You were just... you. Well you liked it that way, you didn't really like the labels they put but you didn't mind all the groups. Or well... You did mind one group. The jocks. Especially the leader. He was really a big nuisance, an know it all and he was just really, really annoying . His name was PaperJam but like I said you didn't really get affected by him all that much though. Well that would change today. You were just walking to your locker, unlocking it and taking your books you needed to your next lesson. You closed the locker and there he stood with a smirk. You looked at him emotionless. "What do you want?" you asked and he leaned against the lockers "I want to talk to you" he said and you lifted a eyebrow "Don't you have anything better to do? As you can see i don't really like you because of what you are doing to the nerds and stuff. It get's on my nerves" You said emotionless and he only laughed at your remark. "Well they need to know their place" he only said "You are disgusting" you said and turned around until you felt him grab your arm "Why do you even care? It's not like they are your friends" he said and you sighed "It's called being a decent person, you should look it up" you said and pulled your arm away. "Now excuse me, i have to go" you said but he wouldn't let you escape that easily. He took his arms around your waist and your eyes widen by the touch "Thought i would let you get away that easy?" he asked and you had to fight the blush that would appear on your cheeks. "L-Let me go!" you said and he only chuckled "nah, you know i don't really say it all that much but you really are interesting. You don't belong anywhere and that is really interesting that you like it that way" you finally got away from his grasp and you looked at him angrily "Like you know anything" you said and he only laughed "Come on i know you like me" You only rolled your eyes at him. You walked away with not another word and he only looked at you walk away with a smirk on his lips "I like that you play hard to get" A day had gone by and you were at the backyard looking at the jocks play some sport. You only were there to eat your food. You looked at them bouncing the basketball everywhere and Paperjam's team was of course in the lead. You sat there and looked at him with an emotionless look as usual. People were kind of afraid of you because of that look. They couldn't read you which made them scared while it seemed that Paperjam liked that look of yours. How annoying. When the match was done you stood up and was about to walk away while he saw that you had watched him which made him smirk. "Hey, N/N" your eye twitched a bit and you looked at him. He sprinted to you and he panted due to him being tired. "You looked at me?" he asked and you only nodded "Yeah" you said and didn't feel the need to lie. You weren't a tsundere (XD). "heh, that's cute" he said and you rolled your eyes at him but a little smile was formed on your lips. "If you say so" you only said and he smiled more when he saw that he made your lips form into one. "Well, you need to go and shower because you stink" you said and turned around while waving good bye at him. "And by the way" you said and he looked at you "You weren't far from the truth yesterday" you said truthfully and he only smirked "I knew it already!" he said "But that doesn't mean that you can have me" you said and some of the girls around looked at you with some angry looks. "Sure! I'll work for it" he said and you only laughed.

"You have a long way to go then"

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