Error x Infected virus! Reader ~Heart Error~

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Requested by: Lime_Featherfall

Hope you'll like it!

You were a literal glitch. An error. You were one of Dr. Gaster's scientists and you looked up to him. When he died you were devastated and vowed to yourself to bring him back but that plan backfired on you and you got infected by a systematic virus. You knew why to. All the universes had the same coding, Which means that every universe has the same people, maybe just with different personality's or just swapped personality's but you on the other hand were the only different person in all of the universes. So when you tried your experiment you did something with the coding and bam. You became a literal error. Right now you were kidnapped by Sans that was like you. He had error signs floating around him and he had a negative color like you. He held you captive because he tried to figure out how you became like this because you had refused to say anything to him. You heard him sigh loudly after a while and he sat down onto the floor. You tilted your head at him and decided to go to him. Even though he wasn't nice he was still a Sans so you thought 'why not'. You walked up to him and sat down next to him. He narrowed his pupils at you but you looked emotionless on the big screen in front of you both. After some silence he decided to talk. "So, have you decided to tell me?" he asked and you shook your head "Why would i?" you asked and he 'tsk'ed "Well I maybe can fix you" you giggled a bit and he looked at you "If you could then you would have done it to yourself for a long time ago, am I not correct?" you said and he sighed while he leaned back a bit "That's true" he said and you looked at him then back at the screen. "...... can you at least tell me where you come from?" he asked and you nodded "I come from (Which AU you want)" he nodded a bit and you smiled "You know, you can be nice if you want" you said and you turned your head to him. His eyes had widened and you giggled "What's the matter?" you asked and he looked away a bit and you saw that his cheeks had changed color just a little bit. "Nothing" he muttered and you shrugged your shoulders and decided to lie down onto the floor. It was comfy for a weird reason but you didn't care. Everything was weird in this place so it didn't matter. He looked down at you "feeling comfy?" he asked and you nodded while he looked at the screen. "How did you come down there? I mean to your universe?" he asked and you opened your eyes "Why do you ask so much questions?" you asked and it was silence for a while "Because I think you are interesting" he simply said but you heard that his voice sounded different for some reason. It sounded a little bit embarrassed. "I mean if you want to know, I fell down here like every human did" you said and he took his arms around his legs while he swiped the screens to the side with his finger. Switching the view of every universe "but why did you even climb the mountain?" he asked and you looked away a bit. He saw that it was a personal reason so he sighed softly "Nevermind, you don't have to answer" he said before you even had the chance to say anything. He lay down next to you but with a large space between you both. "I know why every other human did it... It was quite personal" he said and you nodded while you both looked up at the white roof. "hey, um, do you want to go to OuterTale? The view there is pretty great and I know a place that there is no people around so you don't have to worry about someone seeing you" he said and you nodded while smiling "Sure, why not?" you said and you both stood up while you decided to enter the AU. You both were looking at the stars and he was saying different star signs and the same for you. You were a scientist so you knew about space and such but this was the first time you have seen it with your own eyes. He smiled at your happiness which you didn't see.


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