Ink x Suicidal! Reader ~Lost Colorsight~

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Requested by: AthenaGoldenMoon

Hope you'll enjoy (I just have to go and wipe away my tears ;w;)

Feeling the familiar sad feeling inside hurt quite a lot and you never got used to it. It ached in your chest from morning to night like your soul was BEGINNING for you to end it.  You at first when it started to beg you refused to do it, saying that the pain will go away that maybe it will be over without having to end it. Lately you have stopped believing in that and you started to wonder why you even bothered to be here. Why were you still existing if you would only feel pain? Why did you even try if you would always fall down? Why? You never knew but there was someone who always told you that there were more to life than you were feeling. That life wasn't black and grey. He often said it to you when you felt like dying and he always said that you would follow your heart but sometimes you have to disagree with it to. This was one of those days you felt like everything was only black and grey. You were ready to exit. You had some pills beside you and you also had a knife laying softly on the other side. You had written your letter and now you were ready to exit from this hell you called life but when you were about to do it someone barged into your house so you froze and looked at the direction of your door. It was silence for a while until some opened the door violently and you knew who it was. A worried short skeleton looked at you with widen eyes. "what... what are you...?" he didn't end his sentence he just ran to you and took you in his arms. He wanted to ask you what you were doing but he knew already what you were about to do but he just didn't want to believe it. This wasn't real. Silence filled the room. It felt like it would suffocate you actually but it didn't. He held you close to him, not wanting to let go and then when you looked up at him you felt something wet fall down on your face. The liquid fell softly onto you and it ran down your face. He... Ink was crying... His tears were pretty... They had a rainbow color and he was crying very softly but you could hear him take shaky deep breaths. "I...I knew something had happened... Y-You weren't yourself... I thought i would lose you today..." he explained sadly and more tears fell down onto your face. They didn't bother you because they were actually warm.... they were soft... The tears represented that he truly cared about you and loved you, didn't they? Now it was your turn to cry and he hugged you once again. "I love you... I really do..." he said and buried his face onto your neck while you felt his tears trail down your neck softly. You held on to him "I...I just can't anymore..." you whimpered and he shook his head like he wouldn't believe you. He refused to believe that you would quit. He stopped to hug you and he held his hands onto your cheeks. "You...You don't know, right?" he said and you shook your head "hehe..." he laughed sadly "There is so much more...Trust me i have seen it... Life... Life is precious... You to are precious... You are perfect just the way you are... You don't think that, don't you? But you really are... Your smile, the way you laugh to the way you talk... Everything is good.... Your personality....Your everything is perfect... Life isn't like you describe it... It's not black and grey it's colorful... there is so many colors like a rainbow... I promise..." he said and pulled you to his chest "there is so much more..." he said and you started to sob onto him. You held onto him desperately not wanting to let go. He started to pet your hair and he wagged you from side to side. "i love you, okay? Don't ever forget that" he said and you nodded "okay..." you sniffed and he kissed your head softly. 

"You just have to regain your color sight, okay?"

Okay i just want to say that if you feel like this, everything will be okay just listen to Ink here! And if you don't have anyone to talk to there is a site that can help you!


 And don't forget that you are precious and if you think no one loves you someone someday will make you feel that and if that is not the case (Which is highly unbelievable i think), learn to love yourself because honestly if you love yourself things will get better!

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