Swapfell Sans x Reader ~Cuddle~

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You had a day off today so you just relaxed on the sofa and watched random tv shows. Honestly there was nothing good on so you just turned it off and growled a bit. You covered your eyes with your arm lazily and tried to get some sleep instead until you heard something from upstairs. Cursing. You peeked a little bit and saw a familiar short skeleton with a angry look in his big eye sockets. He glanced at you and sighed loudly "Why are you slacking off?" he asked rudely and you stopped peeking. "It's my day off" you said simply and he muttered something but you didn't even bother to listen. "Why are you laying on the sofa and not in your room?" he asked and you took away your arm while you looked at him with a lazy look "Because i want to" you said and threw the arm once again over your eyes. Sans sighed and rubbed his temples in annoyance. What a lazy human. He thought to himself "Mind to move to your room?" he said and you shook your head "Why?" you asked him and he took his arms over his chest while you looked at him once again, you knowing fully well what he wanted "I want to watch tv" he said and you sat up "We can watch together, i can't really relax anyways" you said and he nodded. He walked down the stairs and sat down next to you. You both looked at some random NTT shows and small talking sometimes. It was kind of relaxing which was a big rarity for the bossy little skeleton. He always wanted you and Papyrus to work but he worked himself very much to. To the point that he is up the whole night and day. Yup, 24/7. It wasn't good and he did this multiple times per week, Honestly he made you both work a lot but he was the one taking most of the work. You sometimes insisted that you would help him but then his stubbornness came out and he always said that he could do it on his own, he didn't need help from anybody. He was really a stubborn, rude and bossy skeleton. He was annoying but very nice when he wanted to. He would sometimes when he have seen that you have had a rough day and you literally came home and threw yourself on the sofa to sleep he would sometimes put a blanket over you and pet  your head a bit so you would sleep faster. He did care about you but had this 'tsundere' act to protect himself. Like when you asked him why he did that is because you wouldn't interrupt with his own work. You both sat like that and you after some time you felt sleep take over your body. He saw this and he felt his cheeks warm up just a bit but he didn't show it. He pated his lap softly and you looked at him confused. "Lay your head on my lap"  he said a bit rude but you nodded softly and laid it on his lap while you faced the tv. He started to pet your hair softly and carefully. Some moments later he threw a blanket over you and he started once again to take care of you. He knew that you have had a rough week so he wanted to take care off you for while, making you feel relaxed. After a while you searched for his other hand and he hesitatingly put it in yours. Your hand was very soft against his boney hand but it was kind of warm in a weird way. "Thank you, Sans" you said tiredly and fell asleep. He looked down at you and kissed your head softly

"Your welcome"

Hope this was good ^w^

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