27. Kayla (Dak)

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3rd person

You had decided to go to a football game with your friend. You hadnt been to many since you started college at Mississippi State. You both showed the guard your student IDs and he let yall in. You found some seats at the bottom row on the home side. You could have swore the hot QB Dak was looking at you but you thought you were seeing things.

"Girl he looking at you yeah." Your friend said.

"No he isnt stop getting my hopes up." You said going back to watching the game.

After the game you stayed behind for a while to let the people cleat out. You didnt like big crowds so you wamted to let everyone clear out. After a while you started walking to your car to go back to your campus. You were to busy looking for your keys in your bag to pay attention to where you were going. You bumped into something hard causing you to fall to the ground.

"Im sorry I should have been watching where I was going." You quickly apologized to the stranger.

"No it was my fault. Here let me help you up." A masculine voice said lifting you to your feet.

Thanks im Kayla." You said extending your hand.

"I know who you are, your in my economics class. Im Dak." He said shaking your hand.

"Oh I didnt even recongise you." You said feeling dumb.

"Thats alright, uh i know this is sudden but could I get your number?" He asked you.

"Uh sure." You said pulling out your phone and handing it to him.

"I will text you tonight." He said running off.

Lets just say you had a very sucessful night. Maybe your friend was right about him looking at you.

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