2. Jae (Dak)

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Thanks for your request i really apprieciate it. jaesavage27


I sat there in the stadium looking at the score board hoping it would change. We were on a 6 game winning streak onlu for it to get messed up by one lousy toss i made causing the 49ers to intercept the ball in the last 2 minutes of the game and score.

"You know looking at it isnt going to change it right?." I heard our trainer and my girlfriend Jae say.

"I know I just feel like I let them down. I hadnt thrown an interception all season. Maybe Romo should keep his starting job." I said.

"Hey, look at me dont say that. It was one mistake. Sure you lost this game but i bet you wont make the same mistake you did tonight again. You learn from your mistakes." She said.

"I know i just feel like I let everyone down." I said.

"Dak you cant win every game. You win some you lose some. But at the end of the day you come back wiser and prepared for anything that gets thrown at you." She said.

"Yeah man she's right you didnt let us down. It was one game our record is still better than anyone elses in the leauge." Zeke said from behind.

"Thanks man." I said.

"Aye at least you get to go home with the hot trainer." He said.

"Yeah I guess I am pretty lucky." I said.

"Come on lets get back to our hotel so this hot trainer can put her moves on you." Jae said.

"Oooo Dak bout to get some. Use protection we dont want no little Dak's running around here." Zeke said.

"She doesnt mean sex. She is about to put me in a tub of ice." I said.

"The struggle of dating an Athletic trainer. I feel ya man." He said.

"No one said you wasnt getting any Mr. Prescott." Jae said walking away.

"Yeah she wants to give me some after she freezes my balls. Ugh women." I said walkimg out behind her.

Hope you liked it Jae....If you would like any other imagine just ask.

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