18. Cole

970 12 3

12 To Go
You and Cole were going out tonight. You pulled up at this club. You didnt really want yo go to a club but you just went with it. Cole opened your door and helped you out. You walked in the club and went to the VIP section. Cole went to get you guys some drinks. You just sat waiting for him to come back.

"Excuse me miss?" Someone said from beside you.

"Yes?" You said turning to the voice.

"Can I get your number, you're cute." The guy said.


"She is taken." Cole said coming back.

"By who shrimp?" The guy said.

"By me, now i'm going to tell you nicley to leave my girlfriend alone." Cole said.

"Babe he isnt worth it come on." You said getting up.

"Listen to your girl bro." The guy said.

Cole got away from you and punched the guy in the face. The bouncers soon came and escorted Cole and you out the club.

"Man he started it." Cole said.

"Cole its alright let's just go before the media gets here." You said pushing his towards the car.

Little did you know you had spoke to soon. The paps had already arrived. They were taking pictures and you guarded your face.

"YN Cole over here?"

"What happened in there?'

Were some of the things being yelled at yall. You both made it to the car and drove home.

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