meeting her

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November 25th

i woke up at 6 o'clock, wow kimberly, 4 hours of sleep. i tried to go back to sleep but couldn't because my brother was already making some noises.

i got off my bed, took my clothes and headed to the washroom where obviously my sister was. i knock asking when she was going to let me in.

"5 minutes"

ok so i dressed up with some legging and big trasher hoodie that use to be to hayes but i decided to keep it. when my sister left the bathroom, i putted makeup on my face and brush my hair so it can look good and put a plaster on a cut that was hardly showing  on my wrist.

alright, i brush my teeth, pack my bag and i was good to go. my mom and dad were making their cases because they're leaving for the weekend so i spoke to them and tell them goodbye just as my sister and brother. i walk for my bus stop where some young kids greeted me. i'm so done oh god.

the bus arrives and i take my usual place, just beside aiden and i keep telling me how weird it was that he actually loves me. how can someone loves me for real. ok i'm not starting that conversation with myself.

"hey kid" aiden started as i sit down.

"i'm not a kid"

"oh yes you are" he smiles. "how are ya?"

"not that bad, and you?"

"great and happy you're not that bad because not that bad compared to yesterday is really not that bad" he says and i smiles.

"you're such a funny guy" i tell with a sarcastic tone.

"i know, you love me"

i hate it when i'm doing that. i just can't accept the love of someone else. it's like, i can love but when that person love me back, i stop, like i didn't want the person to love me. i mean, i love him as a friend but the fact that i know he's loving me more then i do is fucked up to me. i'm sure you can't understand but anyways. i just laugh at that comment.

"so finally, what are we doing for christmas " i say, changing the subject.

"well there is that party at anthony's on the 23th" we talked about this two days ago.

"yeah, i was suppose to bring hayes but if he's bringing that girl i can't even remember her name, i don't think i'll have a good time"

"so don't bring him"

"but i already told him to come, i don't want to choke him"

"yeah you're right and you also have that award you're going to"

"oh my god i completely forgot, it's on Friday i'm going there with him, well, if he doesn't change his mind to bring his girl"

"they are official?"


"so it's not his girl"

"you understand aiden"

"come on, like he would change his mind to bring an other girl then you, he can't do this and if he does i'm going to go talk to him"

"do you still talk to him?"

"yeah, sometimes, we have a party planned on december 3rd did he told you that?"

"no" i'm so mad.

"i'm sure he will"

"he won't"

"well if you're telling it" he tells forgiving about convincing me he will.

we continued talking about christmas and shit and the bus stops letting us enter in jail or what some people call school. the day was as boring as everyday and hiding my scratches was just as easy as everyday. oh and i got a 96% in science congrats to me.

15:05, school is over
it's about an hour ride to return home it's so long even if i live 10 minutes in car from school. aiden and i were just talking while i was texting hayes.

me: so am i going to meet her?:)

hayes: yeah haha, she can't wait

great for her.

me: i hope she'll like me

hayes: how can she doesn't

me: lmao, in many ways actually

hayes: stOp

me: i'm seeing you in like, 20 minutes

hayes: ok bye:)

"do i look okay" i ask aiden.

"of course" he says and smiles. " why do you care so much"

"i don't know" i complain putting my hand on my face.

"what's wrong"


"it can't be"

"i swear"

"it will be alright, text me if you need, it's my stop now"

"thank you, bye" i say and he get off the bus, 8 minutes 26 seconds after it was my turn. going down that ugly ass bus and walk two minutes to my house. my sister left a note she was at her boyfriend's home for the weekend so for once no one was here at home, oh well except my brother surely playing the lego or ps4 downstairs. i went there to change my hoodie incase that girl was going to be jealous because of my really comfy hoodie. i putted on a justin bieber nude hoodie this time. i tell my brother i was going at hayes and he needed to stay here.

so i go, knock, her mom answers, tells me they were in hayes room, went up, go in hayes room and, here they were.


"oh hey ly, so here i present you leila, leila this is kimberly she lives over the street" she stand up from hayes' bed and came in front of me, she was as tall as me, maybe an inch or two higher but anyways. she is the completely opposite of me. blond, brown eyes, yeah my eyes are green/grey. she is so pretty, she looks really good with all that make up on, i wonder how she looks without it. ok stay nice kimberly .

"hey it's nice to meet you leila" and i said her name with a lot of difficulties.

"nice to meet you too" she smiles to me, great, she's as shy as me, even more.

she's definitely too perfect i want to leave. she speaks like an ugly bitch but she's pretty you see. ok maybe i'm the only one who understand like every sentences i tell or think but whatever.

so i talked with the two of them, her and i being shy, hayes being funny. i asked if they were together and they laughed saying they were dating since a week only so no. that's great to know but what do you want me to do? tell hayes i don't want him to have a girlfriend because i love him. i'm so dumb oh shit.

i left maybe an hour after because of my brother being home alone and planning what i was going to do this weekend.


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