Chapter 7

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I tentatively walked into the kitchen, afraid of what was to come. Would they mention last week or would they moan about my grades again? I was doing fine! I was a straight-B student! With the occasional C...I entered the kitchen and looked up into my parents face, searching for any signs of emoticon to indicate what this conversation was about. My dad was as good as a statue but my mum had a twitch on the left side of her lips like she wanted to smile but was trying her hardest to keep a straight face.

"So yeh, whats up dudes?" I asked.

My father sighed. He hated how I preferred to call them dudes then mum and dad. But it sounded so much cooler!

"Well, the school sent out a letter for a trip. Since your birthday is coming up next Monday we thought we would sign the letter and let you go on this trip as part of your birthday present, since your summer holiday's are going to start on Monday anyway. The rest of your friends are going, but we asked them to keep it a secret so it would be a surprise to you. We bought tickets to the same destination so the rest of us could enjoy Florida as much as you. But you are free to hang out with your friends, we will just be doing our own thing, but if you wish for your brothers and sisters to accompany you, they may," My dad said formally.

OH MY FRIKIN GOD!! AHHH!! I WAS GOING TO FLORIDA!! I jumped up and down with glee. I ran over and hugged my parents as tight as I could.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou SOOOOOO much!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS FOREVER! I PROMISE I WILL DO BETTER IN SCHOOL AND BE A BETTER PERSON!" I shrieked, though I would probably do none of those things apart from love them forever because they were so awesome!

The rest of the Brown crew came into the kitchen.

"I'm guessing they told you?" The twins asked simultaneously.

"HELL YEH! COME HERE GUYS, GROUP HUG," I screamed. They all came in for a hug. Oh how I loved my family, but I couldn't believe Justin had kept his big gob shut.

"So do I have only today and tomorrow to pack?" I sighed thinking of all that hard work I would have to do.

"No we've already packed for you, well Priya, Bonnie and Lexi did," Mum replied.

Oh..they better have picked nice, suitable clothes for me!

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