Better Than Coffee

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One bleary eye opens, the second one still reluctant, as sleep is still heavily weighing on it.
Grabbing with the blankets with one hand pulling them up higher, I make myself as small as possible, taking up little space on the king size bed. The cotton sheets that felt so good during the summer already a bit too cold now that winter has started to set in.

Dang it, why’s it gotta be so cold?!

The night temperatures are just dipping below 55 degrees and I am already a shivering mess. Hiding my head underneath the blankets, with only my messy hair visible on the pillow, I feel a bit more comfortable, warm underneath the dual layers of blankets. The air outside of the bed is still cold in the early morning.

Trying again, I peeks up above the blankets, wondering why the bed is so cold already. I scrunch up my nose as I take in the silence around me, my Sunday morning not beginning in the most desirable way for me.

I pull up the extra blanket higher, the dark woven fabric keeping me warm in absence of my partner. I wrap the soft fabric around my naked shoulders.

Would probably be better if I didn’t fell asleep naked at night.

Pressing my nose into the pillow beside me, smelling the faint scent of hair product there, I remembers all the reasons why I am not wearing my pyjama pants and sleep shirt. Not anymore at least.

Last night I changed into my sleep attire. I  smile fondly as I  remember the events of last night. It’s never long before eager hands dipped underneath the soft, worn flannel, hungry fingers exploring hidden surfaces.

Last night was one of these night where it didn’t took very long before my pyjamas were discarded.

And I fell asleep soon after they’d finished, the sweat cooling on my skin rapidly as I laid down next to Niall with my eyes closed.

And while falling asleep naked, next to someone who radiated as much heat as Niall, wasn’t a problem, waking up wasn’t half as pleasant.

Where’s Niall anyway? It's too frickin’ cold to leave me alone.

As if I suddenly developed super hearing, or as if I am just that in tune with Niall’s most inner thoughts, Niall’s figure appears in the doorframe. I open my eyes as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee hits my nose, the beloved scent waking me up in a much nicer way than the cold did. Rolling over again, I look up at Niall as he sits down at the other end of the bed.

Had the room looked cold just a minute ago, with Niall’s presence the light coming through the windows is looking gold in his hair.

Just Niall’s smile is enough to warm me, but I am taking care to keep myself swaddled in the blanket, only my face exposed as I extends one bare arm to the tray Niall is holding. That coffee is calling my name. But I am not going to roll over or extract myself from my soft warm blankets for it.

Niall’s smile turns even brighter, not only warm, but full of amusement now too.

“Good morning to you, sunshine.”

The tray, and the deliciously smelling coffee on it, is far enough out of my reach that I feel justified in making grabby hands and an annoyed noise instead of answering in kind.

“That’s no way to treat your amazing husband, darling. The amazing husband who got up so early to make coffee for his wife.”

Niall’s eyebrows are drawn up high on his forehead to make it clear he’s just teasing. Still he sets the wooden tray on the mattress next to him before picking up one of the mugs and taking a sip.
I will have none of it, another annoyed sound leaving me as I glare at Niall.

“You left me alone. Now I’m cold. Gimme my coffee.”

Almost as an afterthought I add,


Niall lets out a short laugh, cheeks doing their thing as he grins at the angry pile of blankets who just called him a jerk for leaving the bed.

“You really wanna start this beautiful day with calling your beloved husband a jerk, princess?”

“Don’t you princess me, you jerk.”

Niall's laughter is longer this time, full bodied as he throws his head back and brings up his hands to his exposed chest. I eye the tray with coffee cups wearily, the coffee sloshing dangerously close to the rims.

While knowing Niall will probably give in any moment now, coffee almost within reach, I decide on a different tactic than glaring and calling faux insults.

Unheeding of the cold, which isn’t really that bad anymore,  I throw off the blankets, exposing my naked body to the room, and Niall. The shiver that runs through me could be from the chilly air, or maybe from the way Niall stops laughing almost immediately as he takes in my appereance in all my glory. Enjoying the moment just for a little while, I stretch myself before getting up from the bed.

“Maybe I’ll just make my own coffee.”

Standing up, stretching my long limbs to rid them from any residual sleepiness, I know I have  an audience. Niall always makes the best audience, full of love and admiration clear in his eyes. Moving over to the open door, I turn my head over my shoulder, winking at her husband.

“Wanna keep me warm, princess?”

It’s just a moment before I am enveloped in long limbs, soft, strong arms opened to include me in it. The good morning kiss is a bit overdue, but not any less enjoyable as I stand on my tiptoes to capture his mouth with my own.

The coffee waiting on tray on the bed is already forgotten, as it tastes better from Niall’s lips anyways.


Hola Amigo!
Damn I am so tired. Spent my whole day painting.

Lots Of Love

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