He Gives You His Sweater

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You hug your friends, thanking them all for a wonderful night as you head outside to wait for your brother who had agreed to pick you up, sending him a text to let him know you were waiting.

When he still hasn’t shown up 20 minutes later, you call his phone, tapping against your thighs as the cool air flies around you, rubbing at your arms, skin cooling quickly as your phone lights in your hand. You wipe the screen over reading a text from your brother

"sorry out with friends, can’t get you. "

Great, you think, sighing as you hover over Niall's number, hesitating for a moment before pressing the call button.


Niall shouts as he answers the phone, the other boy's laughter echoing in the background

“What’s up?”

He asks, shutting a door behind him.

“Would you be able to pick me up? My brother, he went out and I don’t have a ride.”

You mumble down the phone, hating that you have to interrupt him night now.

“Yeah of course, where are you now?”

he asks, listening as you explain and giving him the address.

“Okay, I’ll be right there, hang tight love.”

He hangs up as you hug your legs to your chest to keep yourself warm, looking around at the dark unfamiliar street. The tension leaves your chest when Niall's car pulls up into the driveway, hopping out of the car as you make your way down the stairs.


He whispers into your hair as he pulls you into his chest,

“You’re freezing.”

he whispers as he takes off his sweater, pulling it over your shivering frame before opening the passenger door for you.

“Your place or mine?”

He asks quietly, putting the car into reverse.

“Your’s please, I don’t want to deal with my brother stumbling home drunk later.”

“I can’t believe he left you there, what would have happened if you were out in the middle of nowhere?”

He replies angrily as you play with the hair ties on your wrist just wanting to get to Niall's.

Falling onto his bed 20 minutes later you smile up at him as pulls you into him, TV on quietly in the background as he kisses you softly before whispering,

“I love you so much.”


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